Postal history of Massenbachhausen

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The postal history of Massenbachhausen describes the historical development of the postal system in Massenbachhausen since the 19th century.

Postal history

Massenbachhausen had been a rural municipality in Württemberg since 1806 . Until the end of the 19th century there were no postal facilities in the place. On July 5, 1897, the municipality set up a telegraph station on site, for the establishment of which 350 marks were raised from the municipal treasury and for whose operation the municipality had to bear additional annual and monthly costs in the future. In the same year, 1897, the General Director of the Royal Württemberg Post and Telegraph gave permission to set up a post office in Massenbachhausen. The first post agent was Karl Baumgärtner, who brought the incoming mail every day on foot from Massenbachhausen to Schwaigern or picked up mail from there. On August 1, 1900, the first post office was set up in the village at Fürfelder Straße 1 in house number 36 . From then on, Karl Baumgärtner's brother Paul took over the errands, for which he immediately bought a horse and cart and finally received a mail delivery contract in 1913 in return for a security mortgage on his property in the amount of 500 marks. The incoming and outgoing mail was transported between Massenbachhausen and the railway stations in Schwaigern and Brackenheim by horse and carriage and in winter by sleigh . The postal service required the entire Baumgärtner family to work. Paul and later his son Kilian were in charge of the mail delivery service, which also took care of the neighboring village of Massenbach and took care of various other errands and transports. Karl and his children Alois and Anna as well as their daughter-in-law Rosa delivered the mail in Massenbachhausen. After the Second World War and with the reorganization of the post office, the post office at Fürfelder Strasse 1 was elevated to a post office . In future, mail will be transported to and from the post office in Heilbronn using Postbuses . The Baumgärtner family managed the post office until 1971 and later also handled the delivery of the post. In 1972 the post office, now under the management of Margot Schmidt, moved into the former Gasthaus Ochsen on Heilbronner Strasse , which had been converted for this purpose . In the course of the redevelopment of the center of Massenbachhausen, the post office finally moved to new rooms at Heilbronner Straße 14. From 1990 the post office was only operated by two employees on a job-sharing basis; in 2003 it was closed in favor of a post office in the basement of the new town hall.

In the 1980s, the municipality wanted broadband cabling , but the post office was not ready to implement it despite five years of negotiations. In 1989, Massenbachhausen was the first municipality in the Heilbronn district to award the cabling contract to a private company from Osnabrück. For the cable network has been in the area blade a head station built, which was modernized 1997th


  • Renate Merten: Post history is a family history . In: Gabi and Rolf Muth (arrangement): Massenbachhausen. Home register of the community of Massenbachhausen. Massenbachhausen community, Massenbachhausen 1999