Presence publishing house

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The presence-Verlag published 1962-2014 Christian media from the community Jesus fraternity in Gnadenthal . At the end of 2014, the Jesus Brotherhood ceased its publishing activities. Since January 2015, Thomas Hein and Erich Koslowski have been carrying on parts of the publishing business with the newly founded “Presence Medien und Verlag GbR” based in Bad Camberg .


Founded in 1962 as a special-purpose enterprise of the Jesus Brotherhood, the publisher initially only published sermons and song texts, produced by two brothers of the community. Successful series of notes such as Mosaik , Herr, wir sind Brüder and Cantus developed from the individual song texts in the 1970s and 1980s, some of which had editions of tens of thousands of copies and from which titles by Christian interpreters such as the ERF Studio Choir or the Wetzlar Children's Choir for the Christian radio or sound carriers were produced.

The publisher also began its own record production to distribute its songs. Most recently, in addition to books, the Presence-Verlag mainly produced artistically designed media such as folding postcards and calendars and was subordinate to the Presence Art & Book business of the Jesus Brotherhood, which documented its ties to both churches with its membership in both the Evangelical and Catholic Media Associations. The publisher's authors included Anselm Grün , Katharina Schridde , Manfred Siebald , Christina Brudereck and Peter Härtling . Due to economic difficulties, the Jesus Brotherhood ended the publishing business of Presence Kunst & Buch at the end of 2014.

Publications (selection)

Sheet music editions

Music productions

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. Jesus Brotherhood withdraws from the publishing business ,, news from January 8, 2015.
  2. ^ Publishing history ( Memento from September 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Publishing philosophy ( Memento of November 9, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Authors ( Memento from September 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )