Presidential election in Costa Rica 2022

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The 2022 Costa Rica presidential election will be the 18th Costa Rican presidential election of this kind under the 1949 Constitution . Both the new President and two Vice-Presidents are to be elected. According to projections, Figueres received the most votes in the first ballot on February 6, 2022. However, since his trio of candidates did not receive more than 40% of the vote, a runoff is scheduled for April 3, 2022. Parallel to the first ballot, all 57 members of the Legislative Assembly were re-elected in the general election.


The last presidential election before that was in 2018 . However, there was no clear favorite and none of the candidates was able to prevail in the first round. This was won by Fabricio Alvarado Muñoz of the right-wing Evangelical Partido Restauración Nacional with 24.91% of the votes ahead of Carlos Alvarado Quesada of the centre-left Partido Acción Ciudadana , which also included the previous President Luis Guillermo Solís , with 21.63 % of the votes are won. Both candidates then entered the runoff election with their candidates for the office of vice president. With 60.59%, Carlos Alvarado Quasada was able to clearly assert himself against his conservative opponent candidate Fabricio Alvarado Muñoz and then took up the presidency on May 8, 2018. In the second half from 2020, his term of office was primarily characterized by the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and by a corruption scandal, as a result of which his approval ratings at the time of the 2022 election were just over 10%.

voting system

The President and the two Vice Presidents of Costa Rica are directly elected by the people. The candidates compete together as teams. According to Article 138 of the 1949 Constitution, obtaining 40% of the votes in the first ballot is sufficient to be elected President of the Republic. If neither team has more than 40% of the votes, a runoff will take place between the two teams that managed to collect the most votes in the first round. In addition, according to the constitution, presidents and vice presidents must also meet the following requirements:

  • Being native Costa Ricans
  • Being secular , meaning not belonging to the clergy
  • Being older than 30 years of age

In addition, the previous two presidents are excluded from the election, so re-election is not possible. There are also special hurdles for vice presidents, ministers, judges and relatives of former presidents.


Presidential Candidates 2022
Political party alignment candidates as
president 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President
Costa Rica Justa Christian Democracy Rolando Araya cropped.jpg Rolando Araya Monge Orlando Guerrero Vargas Ana Lupita Mora Chinchilla
Partido Accesibilidad Sin Exclusión social conservatism Ase lopez arias.jpg Oscar Lopez Arias Isabel Ramírez Castro Victor Lopez Jimenez
Frente Amplio democratic socialism Jose-maria-villalta-florez-estrada 27178225267 o.jpg José María Villalta Florez-Estrada Patricia Mora Castellanos Gerardo Hernandez Naranjo
Partido Acción Ciudadana social democracy Welmer-ramos-gonzalez 41148243775 o (cropped).png Welmer Ramos Gonzalez Emilia Molina Cruz Sebastian Urbina Canas
Alianza Democrata Cristiana conservatism Map is missing missing.jpg Christian Rivera Paniagua Jessie Murillo Moya David Alfaro Mata
Union Costarricense Democratica centrism Map is missing missing.jpg Maricela Morales Mora Braunio Rosales Ureña Anaïs Sequeira Vega
Movimiento Social Demócrata Costarricense social democracy Map is missing missing.jpg Roulan Jiménez Chavarria Carmen Perez Ramirez Edgar Rodríguez Ramírez
Justicia Social Costarricense social democracy Carmen Quesada SantamaríaNIK 7616.jpg Carmen Quesada Santamaria Walter Quesada Fernandez Maribel Vallejos Vallejos
Partido Liberal Progresista liberalism Eliécer Feinzaig Mintz.jpg Eliecer Feinzaig Mintz Jose Miguel Aguilar Berrocal Rocio Briceno Lopez
Union Liberal paleolibertarianism Map is missing missing.jpg Federico Malavassi Calvo Luis Guillermo Lepiz Solano Cohymbra Saenz Carazo
Movimiento Libertario liberalism Map is missing missing.jpg Luis Alberto Cordero Arias Rocio Solis Gamboa Royner Mora Ruiz
Encuentro National agrarianism Map is missing missing.jpg Oscar Campos Chavarria Veronica Esquivel Campos Juan Luis Saenz Ruiz
Fuerza National populism Map is missing missing.jpg Greivin Moya Carpio Natalia Mora Escalante Alberto Rodriguez Baldi
Partido Integración National social conservatism Map is missing missing.jpg Walter Munoz Cespedes Ileana Vargas Gonzalez Luis Fernando Astorga Gatjens
Partido Liberacion National social democracy José María Figueres Olsen (2012) (cropped).jpg Jose María Figueres Olsen Alvaro Ramírez Bogantes Laura Arguedas Mejía
Partido Restauración National conservatism Eduardo Newton Cruickshank Smith 42004133842 o.jpg Eduardo Cruickshank Smith Xiomara Rodriguez Hernandez Leticia Arguedas Solis
Partido Nueva Generation conservatism Map is missing missing.jpg Sergio Mena Diaz Shirley Díaz Mejías Edgar Evans Meza
Partido Nueva Republica conservatism Fabricio Alvarado Muñoz Asamblea Legislativa (cropped).jpg Fabricio Alvarado Francisco Prendas Rodriguez Alexandra Loria Beeche
Partido Nuestro Pueblo Christian Left Rodolfo Piza.jpg Rodolfo Piza Rocafort Roman Navarro Fallas Vanessa Calvo Gonzalez
Partido Republicano Social Cristiano Christian Democracy Dr Rodolfo Hernández cropped.jpg Rodolfo Hernandez Gomez Lorena Solano Villaverde Giovanni Rodriguez Solis
Partido Unidad Social Cristiana Christian Democracy Lineth Saborío Chaverri (cropped).png Lineth Saborío Chaverri Franco Pacheco Arce Gabriela de San Roman Aguilar
Partido Progresso Social Democratico social democracy Rodrigo Chaves Robles 2020.png Rodrigo Chaves Robles Stephan Bruner Neibig Mary Munive Angermuller
Pueblo Unido communism Map is missing missing.jpg Martin Chinchilla Castro Andrea Cordero Vargas Marco Castillo Rojas
Unidos Podemos liberalism Natalia Diaz Quintana.jpg Natalia Diaz Quintana Ileana Gonzalez Cordero Jose Alberto Grillo Rosania
Partido de los Trabajadores Trotskyism Jhonn Vega Masís.png John Vega Masís Jessica Barquero Barrantes Greivis González Lopez


After 87.73% of the votes were counted, former President José María Figueres Olsen of the Partido Liberación Nacional and his vice-presidential candidates had a clear lead with 27.27% of the votes. This will put him in the runoff against Rodrigo Chaves Robles of the Partido Progreso Social Democratático , who is in second place with 16.72% of the vote. In addition, the candidates Fabricio Alvarado , Lineth Saborío Chaverri , Eliécer Feinzaig Mintz and José María Villalta Florez-Estrada each received between eight and 15% of the votes, the remaining candidates lagged behind with less than one percent of the votes.


  1. Costa Rica: Figueres and Chaves Go to Second Round. Retrieved February 7, 2022 (US English).
  2. Elecciones en Costa Rica 2022: candidates, qué se vote y panorama. In: CNN. February 4, 2022, retrieved February 5, 2022 (Spanish).
  3. Article 138 of the Costa Rican Constitution of 1949
  4. Article 131 of the Costa Rican Constitution of 1949
  5. EF Explica: ¿A cuáles puestos de gobierno pueden acceder los clérigos en Costa Rica? Retrieved 5 February 2022 (Spanish).
  6. Article 132 of the Costa Rican Constitution of 1949
  7. Resultados Electorales 2022. Retrieved 7 February 2022 .