Pribislaw (Old Lübeck)

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Pribislaw (* unknown; † after 1156) was an Abodritic prince of the Nakoniden dynasty , who ruled over the Abodritic tribes of the Wagrier and Polabians from 1131 to 1142 at the latest . Its constitutional function after 1142 is unclear. In 1156 he appeared in Lübeck to the Oldenburg bishop Vizelin as the spokesman for the Slav population.

Pribislaw was the son of the Nakonid prince Budivoj and nephew of the Abodritic velvet ruler Heinrich von Alt-Lübeck .

After the murder of the Abodritic velvet ruler Knud Lavard, Pribislaw first met in 1131 in the Slavic chronicle of Helmold von Bosau as the prince of the Abodritic tribes of the Wagrians and Polabians . Its rapid rapid decline was caused by retaliatory moves by the Holsten in 1138/39 against the pagan Slavs as well as by the Vagrian competition from the Kruto family .

In 1142 the Saxon Duke Heinrich the Lion enfeoffed Adolf II von Schauenburg with Segeberg and the whole of Wagrien as well as Heinrich von Bathide with Ratzeburg and the land of the Polabians. Pribislaw's position after 1143 remains in the dark. He only appears again in the sources for the year 1156: As an apparently powerless, albeit wealthy man, he took part in a church service in Oldenburg in Vagria , as the embodiment of “the retreat and fall of slavery” (Lammers) in northern Elbe.


Helmold von Bosau : Chronica Slavorum , Volume 1, Chapters 52f, 55, 83f; ed. by B. Schmeidler ( MGH SRG [in us. schol.] 32, 1937).


  • Lexicon of the Middle Ages , Volume 7 . Page 201
  • Wolfgang H. Fritze : Problems of the abodritic tribal and imperial constitution . In: Herbert Ludat (ed.): Settlement and constitution of the Slavs between the Elbe, Saale and Oder . Schmitz Verlag, Giessen 1960, pp. 141-219, here 169ff. (Also habilitation thesis, FU Berlin 1959).
  • Walther Lammers : The time up to Heinrich the lion . In: History of Schleswig-Holstein, Vol. IV / 4 . 1981, pp. 244f, 276ff., 340ff.