Production value

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The output value is an economic indicator that indicates the sum of the value of all goods and services produced in an economy (by residents and foreigners) .


It is made up of the value of sales of goods and services from in- house production , the value of changes in inventories of semi- finished and finished products from own production and the value of the self-made systems ( own work ). In the national accounts, the valuation is carried out at basic prices, i.e. the taxes on goods are not added and the subsidies on goods are not subtracted.

If the intermediate goods are subtracted from the production value, the gross value added results . The addition of taxes on products ( taxes on production and imports) and subtraction of subsidies on products gives the gross domestic product .

Calculation of the domestic product:
Production value
- Advance payments
= Gross value added
+ Excise duties
- Subsidies
= gross domestic product
- Primary income to the rest of the world
+ Primary income from the rest of the world
= Gross National Income
- Depreciation
= Net national income
- Production and import taxes to the state
+ Subsidies from the state
= National income


The gross production value corresponds to total employed overall factor of production services for the production of aggregate operating performance . The net production value results when the depreciation is deducted from the gross production value . The economic key figure of the net ratio results from the comparison of the two :


The net quota is particularly high in primary production because only operating materials and auxiliary materials occur here as intermediate goods , but hardly the more valuable raw materials . The net quota is relatively high in all sectors of the economy that buy little additional material , but produce raw materials through their production. This is especially the case in the basic industries and in primary production.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rainer Fischbach / Klaus Wollenberg, Volkswirtschaftslehre 1 , 2007, p. 113
  2. Volker Häfner, Gabler Volkswirtschafts-Lexikon , 1983, p. 395
  3. ^ Wilhelm Cornides, Economic Statistics of the German Occupation Zones 1945-1948 in connection with the German production statistics of the pre-war period , 1948, p. 6