Intermediate goods

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Vorleistungsgut is in economics a good serving as intermediate in the production received other goods and for their essential component is.


Economics generally differentiates goods according to their intended use between consumer goods (e.g. books , food , luxury goods or household items ) and production goods (e.g. work equipment , factory buildings , commercial real estate , technical equipment , etc.).

Types of goods according to purpose and duration
Production good Consumer good
durable good
(commodity i. w. S. )
Capital goods
(e.g. production machines, office buildings)
Consumer goods
(e.g. residential buildings, furnishings)
short-lived good
(consumer goods in the broader sense)
Intermediate goods
(e.g. lubricating oil, paints, electric motors)
(e.g. food)

Intermediate goods must be used for the production of consumer and production goods. These intermediate goods are themselves the result of a production process that takes place in the chemical industry , basic materials industry or metal production . However, these branches of the economy do not exclusively produce intermediate goods. Around 30% of the products in the chemical industry go directly to the end consumer, such as life science products or detergents and personal care products .


Intermediate goods include all raw , auxiliary and operating materials that go into production in a company. These include ores , wood or metals ( raw materials ), rubber , lubricating oil or packaging material (auxiliary materials), electricity , natural gas or petrol (operating materials). For example, use flour mills the wheat as Vorleistungsgut to him flour processing, bakeries in turn put flour as Vorleistungsgut for bread one. From the miller's point of view, the flour is a finished product ; from the baker's point of view, it is an intermediate product . It therefore depends on the production level how a good is to be classified. Even semi-finished products that further processed are are intermediate goods.


There are two types of stocks in economics, namely the input stocks and the output stocks . Intermediate goods belong to the input stocks, while the output stocks are made up of finished and semi- finished goods , the latter being intended for the end consumer. As already mentioned, a good on the production side of the national accounts can be an intermediate consumption good , on the usage side an investment good . In business administration a distinction is made between capital goods, intermediate goods, consumer goods and consumer goods.

Individual evidence

  1. Arnold Heertje, Heinz-Dieter Wenzel, Basics of Economics , 1991, p 5
  2. Werner G. Faix / Stefanie Kisgen / Alexander Lau / Annette Schulten / Tassilo Zywietz, Praxishandbuch Außenwirtschaft , 2006, S: 651
  3. Horst Demmler, Introduction to Economics , 2001, p. 344
  4. Manfred Kiy, A disaggregated forecast system for the Federal Republic of Germany , 1984, p. 156
  5. Bernd Görzig / Claudius Schmidt-Faber: German Institute for Economic Research (ed.), Special issues, issues 171–172, 2001, p. 57
  6. Hans Ulrich , application-oriented science , in: The company vol. 36, 1982, p. 25