Achievement (economics)

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As power is the economics all domestically produced goods and services and the goods and services flows between the domestic and abroad, each adjusted for inputs .


The economic concept of performance is a result-oriented economic key figure that comes about through demand in a market and can be quantified in the form of the market price . Services without a market value, such as unpaid housework and family work ( housekeeping , childcare ), on the other hand, are not recorded. Economic performance is the aggregation of the performance of all economic sectors in an economy that have received something in return .

Statistical collection

The national economic performance is reflected in the national accounts (VGR). Its aim is to quantify the performance of an economy. The output of the economy as a whole corresponds to the sum of the added value of all economic sectors, with the state's share in output being referred to as the government quota . The national accounts may take the form of the production approach (starting point is the production value ), expenditure approach ( consumer spending ) or distribution account ( compensation of employees ) are created.

Services provided by an economy abroad or from abroad to Germany are recorded separately. They are reflected in the current account and its sub-balance transfer balance . The current account records all expenses and income related to foreign countries, so that exports and imports in particular are registered here. The transfer balance sheet contains all unpaid services that go out of and into an economy, for which no consideration ( transfer service ) is made or through which no claims or liabilities arise (such as development aid ).

The current account balance is the most widely used indicator of external balance that belongs to the magic square . It reflects the economic strength - i.e. the performance of an economy in the sense of international competitiveness - which is expressed in the ability to finance imports and transfers abroad through the proceeds of exports.


While in the past the economic performance of different countries was mostly compared with the gross national product (GNP; today gross national income , GNI), the gross domestic product (GDP) has now advanced to become the most important reference aggregate of the national accounts. It shows the value of domestically produced goods and services, insofar as these were not used as intermediate goods . Its counterpart in socialist states was the net material product .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Dennis Hilgers, Performance Management , 2008, p. 10
  2. Peter Eisenhut, Current Economics , 2018, p. 75
  3. Peter Eisenhut, Current Economics , 2018, p. 77
  4. ^ Sibylle Brunner / Karl Kehrle, Volkswirtschaftslehre , 2012, p. 655
  5. Beat Hotz-Hart / Patrick Dümmler / Daniel Schmuki, Volkswirtschaft der Schweiz , 2006, p. 353