Project Silence

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Project Silence
Project Silence in Kuopios Henry's Pubissa in 2012
Project Silence in Kuopios Henry's Pubissa in 2012
General information
origin Kuopio , Finland
Genre (s) Black metal , industrial metal
founding 2008
Current occupation
Rieti "Silve_R" Jauhiainen
Jani "J" Savolainen
Tuomo "Sturmpanzerjäger" Susilampi
Electric guitar
Simo "S" Ruotsalainen
former members
Electric guitar
Petri "Mr. Sanderz “Hietikko
Electric guitar (live)
Simo Ruotsalainen
Singing (live)
Tomas Ahlroos

Project Silence is a Finnish black and industrial metal band from Kuopio that was founded in 2008.


The band was founded in 2008 as a solo project by Delacroix. In this and the following year he published free demo recordings before the drummer Rieti "Silve_R" Jauhiainen and the guitarists Jani "J" Savolainen and Petri "Mr. Sanderz “Hietikko joined him. In the summer of 2009, the group began work on their debut album 424 in Studio Osasto-A , of which two unmastered preview songs were released in advance. In January 2012 bassist Tuomo "Sturmpanzerjäger" Susilampi joined them. In July the band went to the Astral Studio in Tampere , where the recording of 424 was finished, which could then be released in winter 2012. Guest musicians include Petja “MC Raaka Pee” Turunen from Turmion Kätilöt and Tuomas Yläkorhola . Delacroix began writing new material in the spring of 2013, before recording the single One Way to Hell in Studio 33 in late autumn and releasing it in December. In the summer of 2014 the group played on the Kuopio Rockcock . In 2015, the recordings for the second album began, whereupon on June 6th, Flesh of the God was released as an advance single from the repertoire . The next single was titled Infection and released on December 24th. In 2016, a worldwide contract was signed with the US label Sliptrick Records . The song Desperation was released on June 15 and the album Slave to the Machine on June 30 . The first song text video for the song Perversion followed on August 15th . On February 14, 2017 the band acted as opening act in Riga for Aborted and Soilwork . In March the arrival of the new guitarist Simo "S" Ruotsalainen was announced as a replacement for Hietikko, before a second song text video for the song The Ear of Fear followed in August . In October they went on a week-long tour of Russia .


RingMaster from wrote in his review of 424 that it was an aggressive and intense mixture of Industrial Metal, Dark Electro , Trance , Aggrotech and Black Metal . The music can be classified between God Destruction and The Browning , whereby influences from Mortiis can also be heard. In the later course of the album, similarities with Rammstein , The Kovennant , Firewind and Enter Shikari would come to light. Björn Backes from summed up the music of Slave to the Machine as a mixture of industrial and black metal, as one is otherwise used to at The Kovenant. The guitars are badly distorted and the vocals have also been processed by a computer. The songs are often arranged chaotically.


  • 2008: Project Silence (demo, self-published)
  • 2009: Voices (single, self-published)
  • 2011: Castlevania II - Bloody Tears Remix (single, self-published)
  • 2012: 424 (album, self-published)
  • 2013: Keeper (Disease Remix) (single, self-release)
  • 2013: One Way to Hell (single, self-published)
  • 2015: Flesh of the God (single, self-published)
  • 2015: Infection (single, self-published)
  • 2016: Slave to the Machine (album, Sliptrick Records )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. PROJECT SILENCE To Open For Soilwork In Riga - Feb 14th., accessed February 15, 2018 .
  2. Info. Facebook , accessed February 15, 2018 .
  3. RingMaster: Project Silence: 424., accessed February 17, 2018 .
  4. Björn Backes: PROJECT SILENCE - Slave To The Machine. Silence is the enemy - difficult with this band name! , accessed on February 17, 2018 .