List of Latin-German family names

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The following list of Latin-German kinship names contains names that can be found in sources from antiquity up to the Middle Ages , in church registers even up to the French Revolution . It should be taken into account that the terms are blurred , especially in the classical era, and the accuracy of the information in the sources is sometimes doubtful.


Latin German Remarks
Father father
mater mother matre orba = motherless
parentes parents more generally: ancestors, relatives, but also: founder, founder, in the singular ( parens ) also mother or father
avus grandfather more general: ahn, especially in the plural avi = ancestors
avia grandmother also ava
proavus Great grandfather abavus = great-great-grandfather
proavia Great grandmother abavia = great-great-grandmother


Latin German Remarks
liberi children
filius son in the plural also filii = children;
also z. E.g .: filius legitimus = legitimate (legitimate) son, filius naturalis = illegitimate son (and legitimatio per matrimonium subsequens = legitimation through subsequent marriage), filius inventus and filius expositus = foundling;
filia daughter also z. E.g .: filia hospitalis = house daughter , filia relicta = surviving daughter
infans (small) child Infant : on the Iberian Peninsula, title of the King's children from the 13th century
nepos Grandchildren, nephew more generally: descendant; for a more precise description: nepos ex filia = grandson as son of daughter, nepos ex filio = grandson as son of son, nepos ex fratre = nephew as son of brother, nepos ex sorore = nephew as son of sister; also: cousins ​​of various degrees and thus a general term for relatives
neptis Granddaughter, niece further designations analogous to nepos
pronepos Great-grandchildren, great-nephew pronepos ex fratre = grandson of the brother, pronepos ex sorore = grandson of the sister
proneptis Great-granddaughter, great-niece further names analogous to pronepos

Descending sideline

Latin German Remarks
frater Brothers frater carnalis = frater germanus = biological brother, frater geminus = frater gemellus = twin brother; frater ex patre = (half) brother from the father, frater uterinus = half-brother through the mother; in a broader sense: sibling, cousin; also: monk, thus brother of a spiritual order, frater conscriptus = ascribed brother, a layman who is accepted as a confrere in a monastery, but remains in the secular state; frater conventus de domo = canon, canon , member of a cathedral chapter; Member of a cooperative , guild , guild
soror sister soror germana = biological sister, soror gemina = twin sister, soror uterina = half-sister through the mother, sororis filia = daughter of the sister, sororis filius = son of the sister; sorores patrueles = daughters of two brothers; also: sibling, sister-in-law; also: nun
patrueles Siblings whose fathers are brothers patrueles fratres = siblings whose fathers are brothers, patrueles sorores = siblings whose fathers are brothers
consobrini Siblings whose mothers are sisters also: siblings in general, including patrueles and amitini
amitini Siblings, when the father of one and the mother of the other are siblings also: nieces and nephews
amitini magni Siblings also: great nieces, great nephews, people related by their grandparents

Ascending sideline

Latin German Remarks
patruus Uncle (father brother) patruus magnus = grandfather brother (great-uncle), patruus maior (post-classical) = propatruus = brother of the great-grandfather, patruus maximus = abpatruus = brother of the great-great-grandfather
amita Aunt (father sister) amita magna = grandfather sister (great aunt), amita maior (post-classical) = proamita = sister of the (paternal) great-grandfather, amita maxima = sister of the (paternal) great-great-grandfather
avunculus Uncle (mother brother) obsolete: uncle , also: uncle as husband of mother's sister; in the Middle Ages also brother of father or cousin of father or mother; avunculus magnus = grandmother's brother , avunculus maior (post-classical) = proavunculus , avunculus maximus = abavunculus = brother of the great-grandmother
matertera Aunt (mother sister) date: aunt , matertera magna = grandmother's sister (great aunt), matertera maior = promatertera , matertera maxima = abmatertera = sister of the great-grandmother (also sister of the great-grandmother)
propatruus Brother of the great grandfather also: brother of the grandfather, post-classical: patruus maior
proavunculus Brother of the great grandmother also: brother of the grandmother, post-classical: avunculus maior
proamita Sister of the great grandfather also: grandfather's sister, post-classical: amita maior
promatertera Sister of the great grandmother also: grandmother's sister, post-classical: matertera maior

Marriage, brotherhood etc.

Latin German Remarks
coniux, coniunx Husband, wife coniugium = matrimonium = marriage, but also: copulati sunt = to be connected
maritus husband
uxor, marita wife de iure uxoris = from the right of the wife, related to the husband as the holder of a title
socer father in law socer magnus = father of the father-in-law or mother-in-law etc .; as plural soceri = in-laws
socrus mother-in-law socrus magna = mother of the father-in-law or mother-in-law etc.
gener son in law outdated: Eidam, but also brother-in-law, cousin, relative
nurus daughter in law general: young woman, pronurus = wife of the grandson
levir brother in law Spouse's brother, sister's husband
glos sister in law Spouse's sister, brother's wife
sororius brother in law Sister's husband, wife's brother
fratria sister in law Brother's wife
vitricus Stepfather Mother's husband
noverca Stepmother Father's wife
privignus Stepson Son of spouse
privigna Stepdaughter Daughter of the spouse


Latin German Remarks
propinquus close relative also: propincus
consanguineus Blood relative
cognatio natural consanguinity
agnatio conjugal consanguinity in the male line

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