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Prosopitis (No. 4), combined with Saites (No. 5) in the late period

Prosopitis , Greek  Προσωπίτις (feminine), was an island in ancient Egypt in the western Nile delta between the Saitic ( Σαϊτικὸν στόμα ) and sebennytic mouth of the Nile ( Σεβεννυτικὸν στόμα ), with the middle arm intersecting the Nile delta. The name is derived from and perhaps corresponds to the otherwise unknown city of Prosopis ( Προσωπίς ). The main town of the island was Atarbechis , where there was a temple of Aphrodite and where the Egyptian goddess Hathor was probably worshiped, which explains the burial of bulls, cattle and other domestic animals there. The exact location of this place is still unknown today. The island formed an Egyptian administrative district ( Gau , Nomos) and was inhabited by the Hermotybeers ( Ἑρμοτύβιες ), a part of the Egyptian warrior caste who, according to Herodotus, only carried out the war trade and no other trades. On this island one of the last Athenian war endeavors against the Persians failed . The Athenians wanted to support an uprising of the Egyptians against the Persians and besieged Memphis in vain. The Athenians were born in 453 BC. BC by the Persian general Megabyzos on the island and after 18 months as a result of the diversion of a canal and the resulting mainland connection of the island in 454 BC. Defeated by the Persian land troops.


  1. Herodotus , Historien 2, 41: ἣ δ᾽ ἔστι μὲν ἐν τῷ Δέλτα, περίμετρον δὲ αὐτῆς εἰσὶ σχοῖνοι ἐννέα. ἐν ταύτῃ ὦ τῇ Προσωπίτιδι νήσῳ ἔνεισι μὲν καὶ ἄλλαι πόλιες συχναί… "The (island) is in the delta, its circumference is nine Schoinoi (approx. 90 km), there are also many other cities on this island Prosopitis ..."
  2. Stephanos of Byzantium
  3. Herodotus, Historien 2, 41:… Ἀτάρβηχις, ἐν δ᾽ αὐτῇ Ἀφροδίτης ἱρὸν ἅγιον ἵδρυται "... (a city is called) Atarbechis, in this is a holy temple of Aphrodite ."
  4. Herodotus, Histories 2, 41: ἐκ ταύτης τῆς πόλιος πλανῶνται πολλοὶ ἄλλοι ἐς ἄλλας πόλις , ἀνορύξαντες δὲ τὰ ὀστέα ἀπάγουσι καὶ θάπτουσι ἐς ἕνα χῶρον πάντες ... "From this city (Atarbechis) drive many other boats around to other cities, they dig the Bones (of the cattle) and bury them all in this place (in Atarbechis). "
  5. Herodotus, Histories 2, 165: Ἑρμοτυβίων μὲν οἵδε εἰσὶ νομοί, Βουσιρίτης, Σαΐτης, Χεμμίτης, Παπρημίτης, νῆσος ἡ Προσωπῖτις ... καὶ τούτων βαναυσίης οὐδεὶς δεδάηκε οὐδέν, ἀλλ ἀνέωνται ἐς τὸ μάχιμον "The districts (prefectures) of Hermotybians are these, Busiris, Sais, Chemmis, Papremis, the island of Prosopitis ... and none of them have learned a craft, they are devoted to the art of war. "
  6. Thucydides , The Peloponnesian War 1, 109; see. also Diodor , Bibliothéke historiké 11, 77.