Prospero Fontana

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Holy Family, 1553–1555

Prospero Fontana (* 1512 in Bologna , † 1597 ) was an Italian Renaissance - painter .


He worked in several Italian cities and assisted Vasari and Zuccaro, among others . Fontana worked briefly in Fontainebleau (1560) and eventually settled in Bologna, where he became Ludovico Carracci's first teacher .

Fontana's late style reveals the influence of Michelangelo and was already part of Mannerism . Fontana was also a good portraitist.

His daughter was the painter Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614).


Web links

Commons : Prospero Fontana  - collection of images
  • Fontana, Prospero. In: Enciclopedie on line. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome. Retrieved March 7, 2020.