Trial of bourgeois nationalists

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The trial with bourgeois nationalists , including the trial with Gustáv Husák and others , was a show trial with high- ranking Slovak functionaries of the KSS (Communist Party of Slovakia). The trial of the main accused, Gustáv Husák, took place in April 1954 before the Supreme Court in Bratislava and was one of the other numerous trials in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s.



The beginning of the dispute between the dogmatic functionaries of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPTsch) in Prague and the functionaries in Slovakia who insist on a certain autonomy dates back to the 1920s. In 1924, some Slovak, socialist-influenced representatives of the cultural avant-garde such as Vladimír Clementis , Daniel Okáli , Ladislav Novomeský , Andrej Sirácky , Ján Poničan and others founded the DAV magazine and also formed the DAV group , the more often DAVists or Davists (Slovak davisti , Czech davisté ) were called. Gustáv Husák later joined the group. Regarding the Slovak issue, they called for equality, not treatment as a national minority.


The earlier disputes were later used to push back the "disruptive group of bourgeois nationalists" in Slovakia. The criticism began in some cases before 1948, and in the early 1950s some KPTsch members such as Clementis were dismissed from their positions. The trial finally took place from April 21 to April 24, 1954. The main charge was the allegation that the accused had allied themselves with the Slovak bourgeoisie against the interests of the Czech nation and the working class. In the indictment, the court also found that the bourgeois nationalist tendency coincided as early as 1930 with the founding of the DAV magazine, which had the characteristics of a criminal organization.

On April 24, 1954 the judgments were announced: Gustáv Husák (main defendant in the trial) - life imprisonment, Ivan Horváth - 22 years, Daniel Okáli - 18 years, Ladislav Holdoš - 13 years and Ladislav Novomeský - 10 years. In the 1960s the judgments were overturned and later Husák even became President of Czechoslovakia (Clementis was sentenced to death and executed as early as 1952 as part of the Slansky Trial ).

Due to an amnesty, most of the convicts were released from prison in 1960 (Novomeský as early as 1955); but only three years later, after the results of the so-called Barnabite Commission, which dealt with the process, became known, she was rehabilitated.


  1. Czech proces s buržoazními nacionalisty or Slovak proces s buržoáznymi nacionalistami , Slovak also proces s rozvratnou skupinou buržoáznych nacionalistov na Slovensku (trial with the subversive group of bourgeois nationalists in Slovakia) etc .; the adjectives buržoázny or buržoazní (Bourgeoise-) are usually translated into German as "bürgerlich".
  2. The founding year of the DAV magazine was actually 1924.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jacques Rupnik: Dějiny Komunistické strany Československa. Od počátků do převzetí moci , Academia, Praha 2002, ISBN 80-200-0957-4 , pp. 143ff .; from the French Helena Beguivonová (Original edition: Histoire du parti communiste tchécoslovaque, Paris, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Paris 1981)
  2. a b Ján Štefanica: Vybrané právne aspekty procesu G. HUSÁK a spol. , Masarykova univerzita, Brno 2013, p. 356ff., There also note 37, online at: / ...
  3. Lukáš Cvrček, Jozef Lenárt– příběh dlouhé kariéry , material from the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes ÚSTR , online at: / ...
  4. Rozsudek nad rozvratnou skupinou buržoasních nacionalistů na Slovensku , in: Rudé Právo, April 25, 1954, p. 2, online at: / ...
  5. 50. léta. Rehabilitace a "rehabilitace" v době komunistického režimu , encyclopedic keyword of the portal, online at: / ...
  6. Vladimír Jancura: Najväčší proces s buržoáznymi nacionalistami , in Slovenské dotyky, June 2004, monthly magazine for Slovaks in the Czech Republic, online at: / ...