Prusias I.

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Tetradrachm with the likeness of Prusias I (young), British Museum
Tetradrachm with the likeness of Prusias I (older and with a beard), British Museum

Prusias I. Cholos ( Greek Προυσίας Αʹ ὁ Χωλός , "the lame"; † 182 BC ) was king of the kingdom of Bithynia from approx. 228 BC. Until his death. He was a son of Ziaelas . An alliance with Philip V of Macedonia came about through marriage .

Prusias fought in 220 BC. A war against Byzantium and then defeated the Galatians who were brought into the country by Nicomedes I. He expanded the territory of Bithynia in a series of wars against Attalus I from Pergamon and against Herakleia Pontike on the Black Sea.

Philip V left him in 202 BC. The port cities of Kios and Myrleia, which were renamed Prusias ad Mare and Apamea in Bithynia .

Although he granted asylum to Hannibal and the latter fought for him against the Attalids , he was in the war between Rome and Antiochus III. neutral. He was succeeded by his son Prusias II on the throne.


  • Habicht, Christian, sv Prusias I., RE . Vol. ХХIII, 1 (1957).

Individual evidence

  1. Memnon of Herakleia (28) erroneously wrote Kieros (cf. Memnon 19 and 32).
  2. Strabo Geography 12,4,3.
predecessor Office successor
Ziaelas King of Bithynia
approx. 228–182 BC Chr.
Prusias II