Psycho le Cému

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Psycho le Cemu
General information
Genre (s) J-skirt
founding 1999
resolution 2006
Last occupation
Daishi (Daishi Kajinaga)
Aya (Naoki Ohkawa)
Lida (Tatsuya Akeda)
Seek (Takuma Shiramizu)
Yura-sama (Takeshi Kuroiwa)

Psycho le Cému ( Japaneseサ イ コ ・ ル ・ シ ェ イ ム) was a Japanese J-rock or visual kei band that existed from 1999 to 2006 , whose trademark was to appear in colorful cosplay costumes.


Psycho le Cému was founded in March 1999 after singer Daishi and guitarist Lida's previous band MYU broke up. Guitarist Aya, (ex. Isabelle ), bassist seek (ex- Sculp ) and drummer YURA-sama (ex- Sculp , ex- MYU Roadie ) joined them. According to the band, the band name should be a combination of former bands or projects and mean nothing.

In May 1999 the band performed in Osaka . Her first demo tape Self Analysis was released on June 1st, 1999 and contained six tracks. Since that first demo tape , the five started wearing colorful cosplay outfits because they wanted to stand out from the crowd of unknown bands. The video clip for their first single -Kronos- , in which they wrote Psycho lè Cemu, also attracted the desired attention. They then toured with various bands in Nagoya and were able to play their first one-man concert in November 1999. Another single and a sold out tour followed.

2001 was a success with sold out concerts and their first album in December. They were also able to share the stage with several well-known bands such as La'cryma Christi and Pierrot at the Sweet Trance Main Stage: 2001 The Space Odyssey Event .

In early 2002, Psycho le Cému released a mini album called Prism , which was only available by pre-order and sold successfully. In a related video clip was one of YURA-sama's furitsuke programs that fans have copied. In October 2002 they were able to sign with Nippon Crown and thus advanced to a major band. Her debut single Ai no Uta made it to 10th place on the Oricon charts .

In April 2003 they tried Roman Hikou , a song by the well-known band Kome Kome Club, and at the end of the year their first major album FRONTIERS was released , which included five miniature figures of the band members in the limited edition. They joined the short tour Psycho Invasion in America and performed at anime conventions in California and Texas .

In order to be able to present a different sounding side of themselves, Psycho le Cému created an alter ego band with which they gave concerts for the members of the Kronos fan club and the hard-to-find single Bad boys, be ambitious! brought out. After another album and the accompanying tour, the band was allowed to compete for the Beauti-Fool's Fest '04 of Fool's Mate magazine.

Another US tour was embarked on in 2005 and a single was released in April before the band's activities were paused. In the following time, the members took care of their solo projects. During this time, Nippon Crown stopped shipping her publications because Daishi was charged with possession of methamphetamines . The band then canceled their contract with Nippon Crown and the members continued to pursue their solo projects.

In March 2006 the announcement came that the band activities would be resumed, but apparently the members could not find each other and the final breakup of the band was announced in May 2006.

On October 2, 2014, the band members announced via Twitter that a new Psycho le Cému homepage is online. In addition, three concerts have been announced, namely on February 11, 2015 in Toyosu PIT and on February 14 and 15, 2015 in Zepp Tokyo Divercity on the occasion of the band's fifteen-year anniversary.

Solo activities


YURA-sama and Lida founded Dacco. Lida took on the role of singer in addition to the guitar, YURA-sama expanded his repertoire to include the tambourine . In October, Dacco released their first single at the same time as ISABELLE and then played several concerts together. In July 2006 they traveled to America for ComiCon in San Diego . The band can now boast 3 singles and the album Baby .


Aya's former band ISABELLE reunited and took seek on as a support bassist. In June 2006, however, they separated again. Meanwhile play Aya and seek in the band Mix Speaker's, Inc .

Daishi Kajinaga

Daishi took up his solo project under his full name. However, in 2006 he was arrested for possession of methaamphetamines and subsequently given a suspended sentence. His project was then on hold until he returned with a solo concert at Shibuya CYCLONE , played several lives, and announced new releases for 2007. He has been playing with the band The Romeo since June 2007 .


Mini albums

  • January 8, 2001: a trip to America
  • July 17, 2002: Prism
  • October 8, 2003: a trip to America


  • September 26, 2001: Doppelganger ~ mou hitori no jibun ~ (Doppelganger ~ も う 一 人 の 自 分 ~)
  • August 27, 2003: FRONTIERS
  • October 11, 2004: Beautiful World ~ Kono hitomi ni utsuranai mono ~ (Beautiful World ~ こ の 瞳 に 映 ら な な い 現 実 ~)
  • April 26, 2006: Psycho le Cemu BEST (Greatest Indies Hits)
  • May 15, 2006: ~ EPILOGUE ~ Kataritsugareru Monogatari (~ エ ピ ロ ー グ ~ 語 り 継 が れ る 物語)


  • March 21, 2000: -Kronos-
  • November 22, 2000: Risoukyou ryokou Guide Disc (理想 郷 旅行 ガ イ ド デ ィ ス ク)
  • July 18, 2001: A Trip to the Arcadia
  • January 8, 2001: REMEMBRANCE
  • October 2, 2002: Ai no uta (愛 の 唄)
  • January 16, 2003: Gekiai Merry-Go-Round / Shunkashuutou (激 愛 メ リ ー ゴ ー ラ ン ド / 春夏 秋冬)
  • April 23, 2003: Roman hikou (浪漫 飛行)
  • May 21, 2003: Miracle High Tension!
  • October 8, 2003: A Trip to the Arcadia
  • February 18, 2004: Omoide aruki (想 い 出 歩 記)
  • June 9, 2004: Michi no sora (道 の 空)
  • October 6, 2004: Yume kazaguruma (夢 風車)
  • April 27, 2005: LOVE IS DEAD A-type and B-type


  • December 25, 2003: Psycho le Cému gouka tokushu shiyou gentei BOX set (サ イ コ ・ ル ・ シ ェ イ ム 豪華 特殊 仕 様 限定 BOX セ ッ ト)
  • September 25, 2004: Psycho in USA -LIVE & DOCUMENT- (サ イ コ in USA -LIVE & DOCUMENT-)
  • March 9, 2005: Risokyo Ryoko Zepp (理想 郷 旅行 Zepp)
  • April 19, 2006: Psycho le Cému in USA II
  • September 13, 2006: Psycho le Cému indies movie BEST (サ イ コ ル シ ェ イ ム イ ン デ ィ ー ズ movie BEST)

Web links