Pubic bone

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Left half of the human pelvis. The viewer looks - diagonally from the front-left - horizontally at the left hip joint socket ( acetabulum ), which is formed from the left pubic bone (center), iliac bone (top right in the picture) and ischium (bottom). Part of the right pubic bone is drawn on the far left of the picture. The pubic bones are incised ( vertical, ventral-lateral ).
The pubic bone (purple, 4) within the pelvis.

The pubic bone ( Latin os pubis ) is a flat, angular bone and part of the pelvis . It is present on both sides, with both pubic bones being connected in the midline by the pubic symphysis ( symphysis pubica ) - a fiber cartilaginous connection - so that the pelvic bones can move slightly towards each other. Upward and forward the pubic bone is fused with the iliac bone ( os ilium ) and downward (in animals, backward) with the ischium ( ischium ).

The pubic bone forms the front part of the acetabulum , which forms the hip joint with the head of the femur . The front edge of the pubic bone is called the pubic ridge ( pecten ossis pubis ). Towards the midline, i.e. towards the symphysis, it bears a hump ( tuberculum pubicum , in animals tuberculum pubicum ventrale ). On the other hand, the pubic crest ends in a hump ( Eminentia iliopubica ) on the border with the iliac bone. The pubic bone also delimits the anterior arch of the "blocked hole" ( foramen obturatum ) that is blocked by muscles ( obturator muscles externus and internus ).

In veterinary anatomy, the part of the pubic bone that forms the acetabulum is called the pubic body ( corpus ossis pubis ), and the part that is perpendicular to the pelvic entrance is called the pubic branch ( ramus ossis pubis ).
