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Bursary building Rome

A Questura (German: "Quästur") is a police authority and an office of the Polizia di Stato in Italy . In almost all Italian provinces there is a Questura , at the head of which is a Questore ("Quaestor"). The Questura is comparable with police headquarters in German countries, which is why Questore is often translated as " Police President ". Since there are over 100 Questure in Italy , they are in many cases comparable to German police headquarters .

The names Questura and Questore go back to the Quaestors of the Roman Empire .

Tasks and organization

In the more than 100 Italian provinces, a prefect usually represents the central government in Rome and maintains relations with the local self-governing bodies. He also oversees the branch offices of the national government in the respective province and thus also the police units deployed there. The Prefect chairs the Provincial Public Security Committee, which includes the Quaestor, the Provincial Heads of the Carabinieri , the Guardia di Finanza , the President of the Province and the Mayor of the Provincial Capital, and which makes fundamental decisions on public security in the Province. The quaestor is both police coordinator and chief of the Polizia di Stato in the respective province under the supervision of the prefect. Exceptions are special units of the state police that are directly subordinate to command posts at regional level .

The organization of the Questura depends on the territorial extent and in particular on the number of inhabitants of the respective province, but the basic structure follows a largely uniform scheme. In addition to various administrative and support services, the Questore , whose rank generally corresponds to that of a brigadier general , is subordinate to two departments: On the one hand, the criminal police department ( polizia giudiziaria , "judicial police ") with a mobile criminal police unit (squadra mobile) , a police state security office ( DIGOS ) and one forensic agency; On the other hand, the administration police department with Ausländeramt , passport office , Weapons Office , and the like. There is also a smaller police department with a control center , a central patrol car unit (squadra volante) and a reporting point . As a rule, several police commissariats are subordinate to a bursary, which are essentially organized according to the model of the bursary.

Web links

Commons : Questura  - collection of images, videos and audio files