Polizia di Stato

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ItalyItaly Polizia di Stato
- PS -
Stemma della Polizia di Stato.svg
State level Republic of Italy
Position of the authority Civilian police with general duties
Supervisory authority (s) Home Office
Consist since July 18, 1852
Arose from Corpo delle Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza
Headquarters Palazzo del Viminale , Rome
Director General of Public Security - Chief of Police Franco Gabrielli
Employee 95,000
Website www.poliziadistato.it

The Polizia di Stato ( Italian for "State Police") is one of the two general Italian police forces . It reports to the “Department of Public Security” ( Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza ) of the Italian Ministry of the Interior in Rome . The head of this department is the “General Director for Public Security” and thus also the coordinator of all national police forces. He is also the "boss" of the Polizia di Stato . It consists of around 95,000 civil servants (as of 2014) and, in contrast to the Carabinieri (emergency number 112), works mainly in cities. The emergency number is 113.


The Italian State Police was founded on July 18, 1852 as Corpo delle Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza in what was then the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont . During fascism , this police organization was militarized and all of the "state security tasks" were assigned to it. With a law of 1981 the organization was restored to its civil status and the name was changed to Polizia di Stato (ultimately a redesign of the abbreviation “PS” from Pubblica Sicurezza to Polizia di Stato ).


The Polizia di Stato emblem used on identity cards and headgear

Central organization

The twelve departments of the Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza manage and administer all branches of the Polizia di Stato . In addition, they coordinate the work of the Carabinieri , the Guardia di Finanza and other police forces . The Direzione Investigativa Antimafia (DIA) is subordinate to the Dipartimento just as directly as the police state security ( Polizia di Prevenzione - DIGOS ).

Regional organization

The following "interregional police directorates" had until 2007 monitoring and coordinating tasks between the national level and the general police authorities at the local level. In this form they were definitely abolished in 2009. Instead, logistical support centers in:

In contrast, some special branches of the state police have retained their regional structure. These include the traffic police , the railway police and the riot police. They have regional directorates, but not in all 20 capitals of the Italian regions , as smaller regions are often co-administered by the directorates in larger regions. In Sicily there are exceptionally two directorates each ( Palermo and Catania ), in Veneto the police directorates are in Padua instead of Venice .

Local organization

The most important operational unit of the Polizia di Stato is the Quaestur ( Questura , roughly comparable to a German police headquarters or a police headquarters ), which is headed by a Quaestor ( Questore ). There is a bursary in almost every Italian province (105 in 2019). The prefect, who is the chief representative of the government in the province, is responsible for public safety in the province. To this end, it has the “Provincial Public Security Committee” ( comitato provinciale per la pubblica sicurezza ) as a governing and coordinating body , in which the heads of the provincial units of the State Police, the Carabinieri , the Guardia di Finanza and other authorities are represented. In this context, the quaestor is not only head of the police units of the Polizia di Stato in the respective province, but also the police coordinator in the province on behalf of the prefect.

In the bursary there are central offices of various state police services, such as the criminal and protection police , but also police registration offices, immigration offices or state security offices. A mobile criminal police unit ( squadra mobile ) and several police commissioners ( commissariato ) report to the bursary . In some areas, the commissariats are also branch offices of the bursaries' offices. In the cities, the network of commissariats is much closer than in the countryside, where the Carabinieri are mainly active.

The traffic police and other special branches of organization also have their own structure at the provincial level, with their departments often located together or in the vicinity of "normal" police departments.

Police services

Alfa Romeo 156 of the traffic police (
Polizia Stradale )
Agusta AW139 of the Polizia di Stato
Police boat in Venice

Basically, all Italian police forces differentiate between two police services, namely the police enforcement service ( Polizia Amministrativa - "administrative police") and the police investigation and judicial service ( Polizia Giudiziaria - "judicial police "). The latter includes all police officers (including carabinieri and others) who are directly subordinate to the public prosecutor's offices and investigating judges as masters of the investigation or criminal proceedings. These police officers thus work in the area of ​​justice and no longer directly in the area of ​​instruction of the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the know Guardia di Finanza and the tax and customs administration nor the Tax Police Service ( Polizia Tributaria - "tax police") and the Customs Enforcement Service or Financial Intelligence Service ( Polizia Valutaria , that "security police" or financial police in the narrow sense).

Apart from the criminal and protection police, the Polizia di Stato has the following special organizational branches, which comprise around a quarter of the total staff of the State Police:

  • Polizia Stradale ( polstrada for short , traffic police , 19 regional directorates, 14 motorway police operations centers)
  • Polizia Ferroviaria ( polfer for short , railway police , 15 regional directorates)
  • Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni ("Post and Telecommunications Police ", particularly against cybercrime , 20 regional directorates)
  • Polizia dell'Immigrazione e delle frontiere ( Border Police , 9 regional directorates)
  • Polizia Marittima (water police, around 170 boats)
  • Polizia in Montagna ("mountain police " and mountain rescue service, training center in Moena )
  • Servizio Aereo (squadrons, since 1971, headquarters in Pratica di Mare , 11 squadrons, 60 helicopters, 20 propeller planes)
  • Polizia Scientifica ( Forensic Technology , part of the Rome Criminal Police Department, 14 regional centers and positions in police headquarters)
  • Reparti Mobili ( riot police, 14 departments)
  • Special departments (e.g. demolition master, divers, music corps, etc.)
Gruppo d'Intervento Speciale

Like the Carabinieri with the Gruppo d'Intervento Speciale (GIS), the Polizia di Stato also has a special task force with the Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza (NOCS) .


The Scuola superiore di polizia in Rome is responsible for the education and training of the higher service police officers . Higher service candidates and parts of the middle service are trained at police schools in Nettuno and Spoleto . There are schools in Alessandria , Campobasso , Caserta , Peschiera del Garda , Piacenza , Trieste and Vibo Valentia for prospective police officers in the middle-class . In addition, there are training centers for the traffic, rail, post and telecommunications and border police in Cesena , for the protection police in Pescara , for the police service in the mountains in Moena , for bodyguards and special tasks in Abbasanta , for special units in Spinaceto Rome as well as for the judicial police in Brescia .


The admission to the training of the police officer takes place through an open selection procedure and the corresponding announcements, which according to Italian law on occasion a fixed admission quota for the family members of the persons already active in the service of the state, or the fallen and wounded (ital. "Vittime del dovere") ), often military and police forces.

The law "23 August 2004, No. 226" has stipulated since January 1 that training places for trainees to the police service are reserved for people who are either still completing their voluntary, optionally one-year (VFP1) or four-year ( VFP4), are serving or have already completed military service. The law will remain in effect until December 31, 2020. For applicants born in 1985, for whom the right of referral to academic educational standards through studies is reserved, a review of the compulsory military service requirements and their fulfillment is ordered.

The way of joining the police corps is governed by state requirements issued by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, in some aspects by the ministerial decrees "DM 6 April 1999, N. 115" and "DM 2 December 2002, N. 276" regulated. The psychophysical aptitude requirements are laid down in the Ministerial Decree "DM 30 July 2003, N. 198" , while the content of the written examination is determined by the Ministerial Decree "DM 28 April 2005, N. 129" . There are also requirements for the maximum entry age, which is 30 years. In February 2013, an overview of a new decree introducing new age limits was published on the website of the Italian police union SIULP . Until the official publication of this decree, with the aim of abolishing the decree "DM 6 April 1999, N. 115", it remains in force.

After successful participation in the selection process, the candidate still has to attend a compulsory training course, which takes place at a selected police academy ("scuola allievi agenti") with an individual course duration depending on the qualifications to be presented. Basic course content includes a. specified in the Legislative Decree "D.Lgs. March 15, 2010, N. 66" .

See also

Web links

Commons : Polizia di Stato  - Collection of images, videos and audio files