Quintus Baebius Sulca

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Quintus Baebius Sulca was a in the 2nd century BC. Living politician of the Roman Republic from the plebeian family of the Baebier .

Probably in 175 BC. Quintus Baebius Sulca officiated as praetor . Two years later, 173 BC. He first traveled to Macedonia as a Roman envoy, together with Gaius Valerius Laevinus , Gnaeus Lutatius Cerco , Marcus Cornelius Mammula and Marcus Caecilius Denter , in order to investigate the situation there on the eve of the Third Macedonian-Roman War . Then the five Roman envoys went to Alexandria to the court of the youthful Egyptian king Ptolemy VI. , supposedly to renew mutual friendship. Not only Ptolemy VI, but also the Seleucid king Antiochus IV and the Pergamene king Eumenes II promised good behavior towards Rome and thus ultimately contributed to the further rise of the Roman Republic at the expense of the Hellenistic empires.



  1. ^ Karl-Ludwig Elvers : Baebius [I 9]. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 2, Metzler, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-476-01472-X .
  2. Titus Livius 42, 6, 4f., Cf. 42, 26, 7f .; on this Werner Huss : Egypt in the Hellenistic Period 332–30 BC Chr. , P. 542f.