Guachicono River

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Guachicono River
View upriver from the I-25 bridge

View upriver from the I-25 bridge

location ColombiaColombia Colombia
River system Río Patía
Drain over Río Patía  → Pacific Ocean
Headwaters Central Cordillera , southwest flank of the Sotará
2 ° 5 ′ 32 ″  N , 76 ° 35 ′ 47 ″  W
Source height approx.  3750  m
muzzle Río Patía Coordinates: 1 ° 57 '2 "  N , 77 ° 12' 15"  W 1 ° 57 '2 "  N , 77 ° 12' 15"  W.
Mouth height approx.  550  m
Height difference approx. 3200 m
Bottom slope approx. 28 ‰
length approx. 115 km
Catchment area approx. 2490 km²
Drain MQ
75 m³ / s
Left tributaries Río San Francisco, Río Mazamorras, Río Sambingo
Communities Guachicono, El Estrecho-Patía

The Río Guachicono is an approx. 115 km long left tributary of the Río Patía in southwest Colombia .

River course

The Río Guachicono rises at an altitude of about 3750  m in the Colombian Central Cordillera on the southwest flank of the 4580  m high Sotará volcano . The Río Guachicono initially flows 10 km to the south and then turns to the west and north-northwest. Between river kilometers 86 and 60 it flows west. At Piedrasentada the Río Guachicono turns to the southwest. At river kilometer 38, in the town of Guachicono , the Río Mazamorras flows into the Río Guachicono from the left. El Estrecho-Patía is located on the north bank at river kilometer 15 . At river kilometer 11, the Río Sambingo flows into the Río Guachicono when coming from the south. This now flows to the west. The highway I-25 ( Popayán –Mojarras) crosses the river 6.7 km above the mouth . Finally, the Guachicono River meets the Patía River from the north.


The catchment area covers an area of ​​around 2490 km². It borders in the north on that of the Río Esmita , in the east on the headwaters of the Río Magdalena , in the southeast on the headwaters of the Río Caquetá and in the south on the catchment area of ​​the Río Mayo . The mean discharge of the Río Guachicono is 75 m³ / s.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Alberto Lobo-Guerrero Uscátegui: Hidrología e Hidrogeología de la Región Pacífica Colombiana (PDF, 1.2 MB) Logemin SA. 1993. Retrieved April 6, 2019.