Rabaulichthys suzukii

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Rabaulichthys suzukii

Rabaulichthys suzukii

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Family : Sawfish (Serranidae)
Subfamily : Anthias (Anthiadinae)
Genre : Rabaulichthys
Type : Rabaulichthys suzukii
Scientific name
Rabaulichthys suzukii
Masuda & Randall , 2001
Rabaulichthys suzukii

Rabaulichthys suzukii is a small anthropoid species known from the coast of Japan. Terra typica is the Izu Peninsula .


The specimens examined during the initial description were 4.5 to 6.4 cm long. The body height is 26 to 28% of the standard length , the head length is 30% of the standard length. Males are magenta in color . A few barely visible stripes pattern the upper half of the front two thirds of the body. An orange-red, lavender-colored band runs from the snout through the eyes to the upper half of the base of the pectoral fin. The enlarged dorsal fin is bright red, the pelvic fins dark magenta. The longest fin ray of the dorsal fin reaches half the length of the head. The eyes are large, the mouth small and slanted.

Rabaulichthys suzukii lives in schools at depths of 5 to 15 meters on rocky reefs. Like most other anthias, the fish feed on zooplankton .


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