Radu Marian

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Radu Marian (* 1977 in the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic , Soviet Union ) is a Moldovan male soprano . His vocal subject corresponds to that of a soprano castrato.


Marian comes from a family of artists. His extraordinary musical talent was already evident in the seven-year-old when he was able to interpret the second aria of the Queen of the Night ( Hell's Vengeance Boils in My Heart ) from Mozart's opera The Magic Flute in French . Marian continued his vocal and music studies (piano) in Moscow and at the Music Academy in Bucharest , where he obtained his concert exam with distinction.

Marian received a scholarship from the State of Moldova and received further education under Flavio Colusso in Italy . His repertoire includes cantatas that were written for sopranos , for example by Georg Friedrich Handel , Giovanni Battista Bononcini , Giacomo Carissimi and Girolamo Frescobaldi , but also the repertoire of the actual castrati. The well-known conductor and baroque specialist Flavio Colusso notes that Radu Marian is a soprano whose voice sounds completely different from that of countertenors .

He has a natural soprano voice - not produced by falsetto - with a tessitura from a crossed to three-stroke C, which is particularly suitable for the interpretation of baroque music . Marian is quasi an " endocrinological castrato ", because of hormonal circumstances he never broke his voice.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mark Brown: Bath celebrates the life of the bedhopping singing star of the 1700s , guardian.co.uk, April 12, 2010