Radzisław Kordek

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Radzisław Maciej Kordek (born September 16, 1962 in Łódź ) is a Polish professor of medicine specializing in pathological anatomy . In 2016 he was elected Rector of the Medical University of Łódź for a 4-year cadence .


He passed his Matura in 1980 in Łódź on the IX. Lyceum and then studied at the Medical Academy until 1986 . He then worked as a doctor in the Copernicus Hospital and as a doctor in the Korczak Hospital. On October 1, 1987, he became an employee in tumor pathology at the Kopernikus Voivodship Hospital, and the following year as an assistant for tumor pathology at the Medical Academy. In 1992 , Radzisław Kordek received his doctorate from Leszek Woźniak . He then worked briefly at the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen. With a grant from the Kosciuszko Foundation , he was at the National Institutes of Health in Frederick , USA , from 1994 to 1995 . Between 1995 and 1995 he stayed for a few months with an Austrian grant at the Neurological Institute of the University of Vienna . In 1997 , Radzisław Kordek completed his habilitation in Łódź. In 1998 he took over the management of the Pathological Institute in Łódź. Due to a lack of investment, the work there was stopped in 2005 and the pathological examinations were outsourced to a laboratory of the Eurolab company, later taken over by Synevo . Radzisław Kordek worked for this. In 2002 he succeeded Jan Berner as head of the chair for oncology at the Medical Academy Łódź, after its dissolution at the Medical University. In the same year he was awarded the title of professor, in 2004 he was appointed full professor. From 2005 to 2008 he was deputy head of the district medical association and head of the ethics committee . In 2008 and again in 2012 he was elected Vice-Rector of the Medical University of Łódź for a four-year cadence. In 2016 he was elected rector.


  1. a b c d Website of the Medical University of Łódź, Wybory Władz - Profesor Radzisław Kordek - kandydat na Rektora Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi , accessed on December 30, 2018, PDF file
  2. a b c d Website of the Rectors' Conference of the Medical Universities, Prof. dr hab. n. med. Radzisław Kordek , accessed December 30, 2018
  3. Topic of the dissertation: Liczba i dystrybucja komórek dendrytycznych a intensywność i skład nacieków limfocytarnych w rakach skóry i żołądka. Badania immunohistochemiczne
  4. Topic of the habilitation thesis: Analiza molekularna i immunohistochemiczna niektórych czynników patogenetycznych w chorobie Creutzfeldta-Jakoba u myszy