Rafael Mišovský ze Sebuzína

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Raphael Mischowsky de Sebuzina

Rafael Mišovský ze Sebuzína , also Raphael Mischowsky de Sebuzina , Raphael Mnischowsky , (* 1580 in Horšův Týn , Bohemia ; † November 21, 1644 in Prague ) was a Bohemian lawyer and poet .


Mišovský came from the noble family of Soběhrd. After receiving his doctorate in 1602, Dr. iur. Raphael Mischowsky until around 1637, during the reigns of the respective emperors of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation , primarily as a lawyer or diplomat in imperial government services.

After that he devoted himself only to poetry, an activity that is said to have accompanied him throughout his life.

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