Rafail Borisovich Farbman

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Rafail Borissowitsch Farbman ( Russian Рафаил Борисович Фарбман , Ukrainian Рафаїл Борисович Фарбман ; * 1893 in Kursk , Russian Empire ; † 1966 ) was a Ukrainian communist and party official.


Farbman joined the 1910 RSDLP on. As a supporter of the Bolsheviks , he worked for the RSDLP in Kiev . In 1914 he was arrested and exiled to the Tobolsk Governorate . After the February Revolution of 1917 , Farbman was a member of the Kiev Committee of the RSDLP (B) and chaired the Council of Trade Unions there. Farbman later worked for the party in Poltava and Kharkov .

At the Second All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets in 1918 he was elected a member of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee. Farbman was a co-founder of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine (KPU) in April 1918 and was elected to the KPU Central Committee at its first party congress in July 1918. From June to December 1919 he was also a member of the front office of the Central Committee of the KPU, and from August 1919 to March 1920 also a member of the organizational office of the Central Committee of the KPU. In March 1920 he was secretary of the Central Committee of the KPU. Then Farbman worked for the party in Moscow .

In 1920/21 he was a supporter of the group of the decists (democratic centralists). Farbmann was a delegate of the IX in 1920 and 1921. Party Congress (1920) and the Xth Party Congress (1921) of the RKP (B) in Moscow. 1926/27 he was an active member of the United Opposition . On December 18, 1927, Farbman was expelled from the party and banned. In 1930 he was re-admitted to the party and deputy head of the Rudmetallorg Trust (Рудметаллторг). In 1932 he was again expelled and arrested, but then released and accepted into the party. He then worked for the Metallolom Trust (Металлолом). In 1935, Farbman was expelled from the party for the third time, arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.

After Stalin's death in 1956 he was pardoned as part of the de-Stalinization process .


  • Фарбман, Рафаил Борисович . In: Херман Брановер: Российская еврейская энциклопедия . Том 3. Биографии С-Я . Российская академия естественных наук, Moscow 2000, p. 196.
  • Четверта конференція Комуністичної партії (більшовиків) України. 17–23 березня 1920 р. Стенограма . Центральний державний архів громадських об'єднань України / Видавничий дім "Альтернативи", Kiev 2003, ISBN 5 966-8217-16 , pp.
  • Юрий Фельштинский, Геогрий Чернявский: Лев Троцкий. Большевик. 1917-1923 . Центрполиграф, Moscow 2012 (footnote, no.1004).

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