Raimund Allebrand

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Raimund Allebrand (* 1955 in Prüm ) is a German non-fiction author, publicist and existential therapist with a practice for advice, coaching and supervision in Bonn.

Professional background

After school and high school in Cologne , Raimund Allebrand studied philosophy , Catholic theology and psychology in Bonn and Freiburg im Breisgau ; This was followed by professional activities in college (University of Bonn) and adult education. After a long research stay in southern Spain and an internship as a news journalist, Allebrand worked as a radio editor in Cologne (Deutsche Welle and Deutschlandfunk) and as a lecturer in journalism training, as a cultural manager for the Spanish-speaking area and as a freelance specialist journalist and book author; Many years of experience as managing director of the AFIB working group for intercultural encounters in Bonn. Numerous work stays in Latin American countries and on the Iberian Peninsula. Raimund Allebrand has headed the IFIB - Institute for Intercultural Counseling in Spanish (Bonn) since 2005, as well as his own practice for psychotherapy (according to HPG), psychodynamic coaching and supervision as well as lecturing in adult education and psychotherapeutic training.

Memberships / offices

Allebrand is u. a. Co-founder and board member of the AFIB - Working Group for Intercultural Encounters eV in Bonn and founding board member of the German Society for Existential Analysis and Psychotherapy (DGEAP).

Works (selection)

As editor and author u. a .:

  • Contributions to intercultural encounters. Series of publications of the AFIB - Working Group for Intercultural Encounters eV, Bonn 1985 ff.

Web links