Raimund Fürst

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Raimund Fürst (born February 4, 1885 in Vienna , † March 23, 1968 in Neunkirchen near Wiener Neustadt ) was an Austrian fossil collector .

Fürst was a private civil servant and most recently worked for the Rohrbach spinning mill. He lived in Neunkirchen. Prince collected fossils . These originated mainly from the Vienna Basin ( Young Tertiary and Pleistocene ) and the eastern Limestone Alps ( Mesozoic ). Today his collection is in the Natural History Museum in Vienna .


  • Helmuth Zapfe : Index Palaeontologicorum Austriae (= Catalogus fossilium Austriae issue 15). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1971, SS 34 online (PDF; 381 kB)