Rainer Schöttle

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Rainer Schöttle (born November 13, 1958 in Hagen , Westphalia) is a German political scientist and freelance lecturer .


After graduating from high school at Hagen's Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium , Schöttle studied social sciences as well as journalism and communication studies at the Ruhr University in Bochum from 1977 to 1982 . After several years at Felix Meiner Verlag , he received his doctorate in 1992 at the University of Hamburg with a dissertation on the political theories of southern German liberalism in Vormärz . This was followed by positions in several German book publishers (Stadler Verlag, Ehrenwirth Verlag, Ravensburger Buchverlag ) until he started his own business as a freelance editor (DRSVS) at the end of 2002. In addition to his work for various public publishers in Germany, Austria and Italy, Schöttle continues to research the history of political theory.

Rainer Schöttle is a former scholarship holder of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and a member of the Association of Independent Lecturers (VFLL), of which he was a member of the board in 2010 and 2011.



  • Political freedom for the German nation - Carl Theodor Welcker's political theory. A contribution to the history of German early liberalism , Nomos, Baden-Baden 1985, ISBN 3-7890-1066-9 .
  • Political theories of southern German liberalism in the Vormärz. Studies on Rotteck, Welcker, Pfizer, Murhard , Nomos, Baden-Baden 1994, ISBN 3-7890-3192-5 (also: University of Hamburg, dissertation, 1992).

Edited volumes (editor or co-editor)

  • (with Heinz-Dietrich Fischer ) Carl Theodor Welcker - Struggle for journalistic liberty. Writings and activities on the conception, implementation and renewed loss of freedom of the press 1830–1833 , Brockmeyer, Bochum 1981, ISBN 3-88339-179-4 .
  • Karl von Rotteck - About estates and representative bodies. Texts on the constitutional discussion in Vormärz , Haufe, Freiburg / Berlin / Munich 1997, ISBN 3-448-03587-4 .

Contributions and essays

  • The Baden press spring of 1832 , in: Helmut Reinalter (Hrsg.): Enlightenment - Vormärz - Revolution. Yearbook of the international research center “Democratic Movements in Central Europe 1770–1850” at the University of Innsbruck , Vol. 6 (1986), pp. 50–60.
  • State organism and social contract - the state theory of Carl Theodor Welcker. A sketch , in: Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins 135 (1987), pp. 207–215.
  • Liberalism and its enemies. About Armin Mohler's “Liberalenbeschimigung” , in: liberal 4/1991, pp. 127–132.
  • The State Lexicon by Rotteck and Welcker - an early liberal catechism. Comments on the reprint , in: Jahrbuch zur Liberalismus-Forschung 4 (1992), pp. 165–169.
  • Karl von Rotteck and the development of bourgeois parliamentarism in Germany , in: Karl von Rotteck - About state estates and representatives of the people. Texts on the constitutional discussion in Vormärz , Haufe, Freiburg / Berlin / Munich 1997, ISBN 3-448-03587-4 , pp. 177–210.
  • Security and freedom in a reasonable legal order - basic features of the political theory of Friedrich Murhard , in: Axel Halle (Hrsg.): The Murhard brothers. Life for human rights and civil liberty , Kassel 2003, ISBN 3-89958-037-0 , pp. 171–183.
  • The rule of law as a rational state. Fundamentals of the state theories of Rotteck and Welcker , in: Ewald Grothe , Hans-Peter Becht (Eds.): Karl von Rotteck and Karl Theodor Welcker. Liberal professors, politicians and publicists , Nomos, Baden-Baden 2018, ISBN 978-3-8487-4551-7 , pp. 213–243.

Web links