Ranongga spectacle bird

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Ranongga spectacle bird
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Sylvioidea
Family : Spectacled birds (Zosteropidae)
Genre : Zosterops
Type : Ranongga spectacle bird
Scientific name
Zosterops splendidus
Hartert , 1929

The Ranongga spectacled bird ( Zosterops splendidus ) is a little-explored species of bird in the spectacled family . It is endemic to the Solomon Islands -Insel ranongga .


The Ranongga spectacle bird reaches a size of 11.5 to 12 centimeters. The white eye ring is interrupted at the front by a blackish spot. The forehead, the crown of the forehead, the reins and the area under the eye ring are blackish. The back of the head and the top are yellowish-olive. The hand wings and control feathers are blackish-brown with yellowish-olive edges. The underside is golden yellow, whereby the color on the breast sides merges into the olive on the upper side. The iris is reddish brown, the beak black and the legs are yellowish. The sexes look the same. Juvenile birds have not yet been described. His singing can be heard very often, especially at dawn. It consists of short simple series of about nine descending and ascending staccato notes. The contact call is a "cheu". It is a little louder and more two-syllable than in other spectacle bird species.


The Ranongga spectacled bird inhabits primary and secondary forests , bushland and gardens.

Way of life

No information is available about his way of life.


The Ranongga spectacle bird occurs in a strongly fragmented distribution area of ​​150 km². The main threat is the clearing of the forests. Gardens will be laid out on the cleared areas, where fruit and vegetables are grown for the village markets of Ghizo and Ranongga . Much of the remaining forest on Ranongga is unsuitable for horticulture, but trees are felled for timber. In 1998 BirdLife International estimated the population at 2,500 to 10,000 specimens and classified the species as "endangered" ( vulnerable ).


  • Joseph Del Hoyo, Andrew Elliot, David A. Christie (Eds.): Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13: Penduline-Tits to Shrikes. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2008, ISBN 978-84-96553-45-3 .

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