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Live reconstruction of Rebbachisaurus

Live reconstruction of Rebbachisaurus

Temporal occurrence
Lower Cretaceous ( Albium )
112.9 to 100.5 million years
Scientific name
Lavocat , 1954
  • Rebbachisaurus garasbae

Rebbachisaurus is a genus of diplodocider sauropods thatlived in Africaduring the late Lower Cretaceous ( Albium ).

The holotype was found in the Tegana Formation in Morocco and described by René Lavocat in 1954 . The only species is Rebbachisaurus garasbae .

Another species found in Niger was described as Rebbachisaurus tamesnensis in 1960 , but is now considered a synonym for Nigersaurus . A third species, Rebbachisaurus tessonei , from Argentina was described in 1995 by Jorge Calvo and Leonardo Salgado , although most authors today suspect that Rebbachisaurus tessonei is a separate genus, Limaysaurus ; Calvo and Salgado, however, consider Limaysaurus as a nomen dubium .


Vortex of Rebbachisaurus

Like all members of his group, he was a large, four-legged herbivore with a long neck and tail. Its length is estimated at 20 m. Rebbachisaurus probably reached a weight of around 10 to 20 tons.

The vertebral processes on the back are striking; these probably formed a 1.5 m high sail, similar to that of Ouranosaurus and Spinosaurus .


It used to be assumed that Rebbachisaurus was a genus of the Brachiosauridae or the Camarasauridae . Later it was attributed to the dicraeosaurids . With the discovery of the physically similar Limaysaurus in 1997, José Bonaparte proposed a separate family Rebbachisauridae within the superfamily of the Diplodocoidea for the genera Rebbachisaurus and Limaysaurus . Withlock (2011) came to the conclusion that Rebbachisaurus was a basal Rebbachisauride and is the sister taxon of a group of derived Rebbachisaurids, which includes the Nigersaurinae ( Nigersaurus , Zapalasaurus and Demandasaurus ), the Limaysaurinae ( Limaysaurus and Cathartesaura ). The following is a cladogram according to Withlock (2011):












Cathartes aura




Since the discovery of the almost identical Rayososaurus in South America, Rebbachisaurus has been assigned a certain paleogeographical importance: It is interpreted as evidence that there was a land bridge between Africa and South America in the Cretaceous period. One of the two species evolved from the other when it immigrated to a new land mass (principle of allopatric speciation ).


  • Jorge O. Calvo , Leonardo Salgado : A land bridge connection between South America and Africa during Albian-Cenomanian times based on sauropod dinosaur evidences. In: XXXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia. Salvador-Bahia 1 a 6 Setembro de 1996. Vol. 7: Simposios e conferencias. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, Nucleo Bahia 1996, pp. 392-393, online (PDF; 15.58 KB) .
  • Jorge O. Calvo, Leonardo Salgado: Rebbachisaurus tessonei sp. nov. A new Sauropoda from the Albian-Cenomanian of Argentina; new evidence on the origin of the Diplodocidae. In: Gaia. Revista de Geociências. Vol. 11, 1995, ISSN  0871-5424 , pp. 13-33, digital version (PDF; 8.57 MB) .
  • René JM Lavocat: Sur les Dinosauriens du continental intercalaire des Kem-Kem de la Daoura. In: Comptes rendus de la dix-neuvième session, Alger 1952. Section 13: Questions diverses de géologie générale. Part 1: Stratigraphie et sédimentation. Fascicule 15, pp. 65-68, (In English: On the dinosaurs of the Continental Intercalaire of the Kem Kem of the Daoura. ).
  • Michel Monbaron: Nouveaux ossements de dinosauriens de grande taille dans le bassin jurassico-cretace de Taguelft (Atlas de Beni-Mellal, Maroc). In: Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Series D: Sciences Naturelles. Vol. 287, No. 14, 1978, ISSN  0567-655X , pp. 1277-1279.
  • Armand de Ricqlès: A. Meyendorff, AF de Lapparent, Ch. L. Camp et les premières recherches paleohistologiques sur les dinosaures du Sahara. In: Annales de Paléontologie. Vol. 80, No. 2, 1994, ISSN  0003-4142 , pp. 143-153.
  • Paul Upchurch , Paul M. Barrett , Peter Dodson : Sauropoda. In: David B. Weishampel , Peter Dodson, Halszka Osmólska (eds.): The Dinosauria . 2nd edition. University of California Press, Berkeley CA et al. 2004, ISBN 0-520-24209-2 , pp. 259-324.
  1. ^ Gregory S. Paul : The Princeton Field Guide To Dinosaurs. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ et al. 2010, ISBN 978-0-691-13720-9 , p. 186, online .
  2. ^ René JM Lavocat: Sur les dinosauriens du Continental Intercalaire des Kem-Kem de la Daoura. In: Comptes rendus de la dix-neuvième session, Alger 1952. 1952, pp. 65-68.
  3. Leonardo Salgado, Alberto Garrido, Sergio E. Cocca, Juan R. Cocca: Lower Cretaceous rebbachisaurid sauropods from Cerro Aguada del León (Lohan Cura Formation), Neuquén Province, northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Vol. 24, No. 4, 2004, ISSN  0272-4634 , S., doi : 10.1671 / 0272-4634 (2004) 024 [0903: LCRSFC] 2.0.CO; 2 .
  4. ^ John A. Whitlock: A phylogenetic analysis of Diplodocoidea (Saurischia: Sauropoda). In: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 24, No. 4, 2011, ISSN  0024-4082 , pp. 872-915, doi : 10.1111 / j.1096-3642.2010.00665.x .

Web links

Commons : Rebbachisaurus  - collection of images, videos and audio files