Rebecca Carrington

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Rebecca Carrington at a brief appearance in Freiburg in 2009

Rebecca Carrington (born January 17, 1971 in Epsom , Surrey , England ) is a British music cabaret artist. In her shows, she appears with her stage partner and partner Colin Brown.


Rebecca Carrington began playing the piano at the age of four, and at the age of six she switched to the cello at the request of her grandmother, who also gave her the instrument. Carrington studied at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester and later received her Masters of Music from Rice University in Houston , Texas .

In addition to English, she also speaks German, French and Italian fluently, but not without an accent.

Carrington played as a cellist with various orchestras, a. a. the London Symphony Orchestra , the London Philharmonic Orchestra , the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra , the Philharmonia Orchestra and the BBC Symphony Orchestra .

She had her first appearances as a music comedian in the United States . A big production was called Me And My Cello . In 2009 she was on tour in Germany and Europe with her colleague and husband Colin Brown under the title "Carrington-Brown" . Carrington / Brown have lived in Berlin since then , as the German cabaret scene is much more vital for music cabaret artists than that in Great Britain.

Rebecca Carrington is the daughter of Simon Carrington , the internationally renowned choir director and a cappella concert singer.


Web links

Commons : Rebecca Carrington  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

supporting documents

  1. Note by Rebecca Carrington in the Deutschlandfunk broadcast “Querköpfe” on January 7, 2015