Reformed Church of Sarn

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Exterior view
The inside of the church

The Reformed Church in Sarn at the outer Heinzenberg is an Evangelical - Reformed church under the monument of the canton of Grisons .

History and equipment

The church was built in 1686 on the initiative of Caspar Grass when the political and denominational situation in Domleschg calmed down and clarified after the turmoil in Graubünden . The Sarner Church is the largest sacred building on the Ausserheinzenberg. Inside, the large, closed on three sides and falls nave with a segment arc open chorus with the central Baroque organ on. It is preceded by a baptismal font , which also serves as a sacrament table.

Church organization

The Evangelical Reformed Regional Church of Graubünden runs Sarn as the preaching place of the parish Ausserheinzenberg , which is in close pastoral community with Cazis and loosely with Thusis , within the colloquium III Nid dem Wald .


Web links

Commons : Reformed Church Sarn  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 43 '10.5 "  N , 9 ° 24' 35.4"  E ; CH1903:  750.69 thousand  /  176 157