Government of the People's State of Hesse

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The government of the People's State of Hesse was the executive branch of the People's State of Hesse from 1918 to 1934. It was the successor to the government of the Grand Duchy of Hesse . With the dissolution of the countries under the DC circuit in the era of National Socialism one was Reichsstatthalter function successor. After the Second World War , the Hessian state government succeeded.

Formation of government

The government is described in Section IV. By the State Administration of the Constitution of the People's State of Hesse . First of all, it consists of the Prime Minister (with the official title of President ). The State President was elected by the Landtag of the People's State of Hesse with an absolute majority .

The state president then appointed the members of the state government ( called the entire ministry in the constitution ). The state parliament then had to approve the so-called cabinet .

The government was responsible to the state parliament. The state parliament was able to express its distrust of the entire ministry (not individual members) and thus force them to resign .

The ministers manage the business of their administrative branch independently ( departmental principle ). General government issues are decided by the general ministry. The members of the entire ministry advise and decide under the leadership of the Prime Minister in a collegial manner with a simple majority ( collegial principle ).

Tasks, structure and competencies

The entire ministry is entitled to introduce legislative proposals to the state parliament. The entire ministry or the responsible ministries issue the ordinances necessary to implement the laws.

Ministerial charge

The state parliament had the possibility of indicting ministers in the event of violation of the constitution or recognized constitutional rights or serious threats to the security or welfare of the state . This required a majority to amend the constitution. The lawsuit was heard at the State Court of Hesse .


After the November Revolution of 1918, the previous ministers of the grand-ducal government, Carl von Ewald , Friedrich von Hombergk zu Vach and Johannes Baptist Becker, resigned on November 11, 1918 and were retired. The Workers 'and Soldiers' Council commissioned Carl Ulrich ( SPD ) with the formation of a transitional government, the Ulrich I cabinet . In addition to the previous departments of exterior (Ulrich), interior, justice and finance, heads of the ministerial departments of the State Labor Office, Nutrition and Education were appointed.

The government elected by parliament on February 21, 1919, the Ulrich II cabinet, followed this division of responsibilities; only Hermann Neumann lost the cabinet rank and became head of the regional food office.


  • Eckhart G. Franz : Hessen-Darmstadt 1820-1935 . In: Klaus Schwabe (Ed.): The governments of the German medium and small states. 1815–1933 (= German leadership classes in modern times. Volume 14 = Büdinger research on social history. Volume 18). Boldt, Boppard am Rhein 1983, ISBN 3-7646-1830-2 , pp. 103-112 and pp. 295-303.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Article 37 of the Constitution
  2. Article 38 of the Constitution
  3. Articles 40 and 42 of the Constitution
  4. Article 43 of the Constitution
  5. Article 44 of the Constitution
  6. Articles 47-50 of the Constitution
  7. Law on the State Court of 13 May 1921 (Rbl. P. 99ff.)