Regine Pernoud

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Régine Pernoud (born June 17, 1909 in Château-Chinon (Ville) , Département Nièvre ; † April 22, 1998 in Paris ) was a French medievalist , archivist and paleographer .


Régine Pernoud grew up in modest circumstances. She financed her studies as a private teacher and as an archive clerk. She graduated from the École nationale des chartes and the École du Louvre in Paris before receiving her first job as a curator at the Museum of Reims (1949) after more than fourteen years . She then worked at the Musée de l'histoire de France (1949) and the Archives nationales (France) in Paris. At the instigation of the former State Secretary for Cultural Affairs, André Malraux , she founded the Center Jeanne d'Arc research center in Orléans in 1974 .

She dealt with the Middle Ages in over twenty works , with a particular focus on the position of women in the Middle Ages and the life and work of Johanna von Orléans .

She was a scientific advisor to the children's book So They Lived in the Castles of the Middle Ages (Hamburg 1981) by Philippe Brochard, which was translated into German .

Fonts (selection)

  • 1946: Lumière du Moyen Age
  • 1953: Vie et mort de Jeanne d'Arc
  • 1957: Les Gaulois
  • 1959: Jeanne d'Arc
  • 1959: Les Croisés
  • 1960: Les Croisades ( German : The Crusades in eyewitness reports. Rauch, Düsseldorf 1961)
  • 1960: Histoire de la bourgeoisie en France
  • 1962: Jeanne d'Arc par elle-même et par ses témoins
  • 1965: Aliénor d'Aquitaine (German: Eleonore von Aquitanien. Queen of the Troubadours. Diederichs, Düsseldorf 1966)
  • 1969: May 8, 1429. La libération d'Orléans
  • 1970: Jeanne devant les Cauchons
  • 1970: Héloise et Abélard (German: Heloise and Abelard. A woman's fate in the Middle Ages. Kösel, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-466-34267-8 )
  • 1972: La Reine Blanche (German: ruler in turbulent times. Blanca of Castile , Queen of France )
  • 1974: Les Templiers
  • 1977: Pour en finir avec le Moyen Age
  • 1980: Sources et clefs de l'art roman (with Madeleine Pernoud )
  • 1981: Joan of Arc
  • 1982: Christine de Pisan . Calmann-Lévi, Paris 1982, ISBN 2-7021-0460-6 (German: Christine de Pizan. Biographie. DTV, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-423-11192-5 )
  • 1982: Le Tour de France médiéval (with Georges Pernoud )
  • 1983: La Femme au temps des cathédrales
  • 1983: Le Moyen Age raconté à mes neveux
  • 1984: Les saints au Moyen Age (German: The Saints in the Middle Ages )
  • 1988: Richard Coeur de Lion (German: The adventurer on the throne. Richard Löwenherz, King of England. Diederichs, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-424-01199-1 )
  • 1990: Le Moyen Age pour quoi faire?
  • 1994: Hildegarde de Bingen . Conscience inspirée de XIIe siècle (German: Hildegard von Bingen. Her world, her work, her visions. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1996, ISBN 3-451-23677-X )


  • 1966: "Historia" award
  • 1978: Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris
  • 1997: Awarded by the Académie française for her complete works


  • Josette A. Wisman: Debunking the Myths, Transmitting Knowledge in Clear Language: Régine Pernoud (1909-1998) . In: Women Medievalists and the Academy. Madison, Wisc. 2005. pp. 711-722.