Reginhard von Liège

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Reginhard (also Reginard , Reinhard ) († December 5, 1037 ) was Bishop of Liège from 1025/26 to 1037 . He is venerated as a saint .


Reginhard came from a family who owned property in the Liège area. He was related to Heribert von Köln .

After his vita he was supported by Heribert von Köln and appointed provost of the Cassius monastery in Bonn . He was elected Bishop of Liège in 1025 or 1026. Certain details that his résumé passed on are doubtful. This includes the report that he knocked out the little important diocese of Verdun and later got it from Conrad II Liège through simony . The same applies to his pilgrimage to Rome, where he would have given up his office out of repentance and would have been reinstated by the Pope. The timing of the trip is also unclear. Some speak of the end of his reign, others put it in the first few years.

During his time as bishop he particularly promoted the cathedral school. This was led at this time by the later Liège Bishop Wazo and by the later Bishop of Brescia Adelmann .

The collegiate monastery of St. Gangolf and the Benedictine Abbey of St. Laurent in Liège were also heavily supported by him. In the latter, he had various construction work carried out and his donations greatly improved its material situation. However, only two of the eight donation deeds have proven to be genuine. In 1034 the church of the monastery was consecrated. A representative of the Pope was also present.

Reginhard also had a stone bridge built over the Maas . When the region was threatened by famine in 1030, he provided good supplies for the poor. In 1037 he took part in a campaign by Duke Gotzelo I against Count Odo von Blois . He took part in the Battle of Bar, in which Odo was killed.

He died a few months later from an unknown cause. He is buried in St. Laurent in Liège. He is venerated as a saint because he is said to have been benevolent towards the poor and mild towards false doctrines. His feast day is December 5th.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RI III, 1 n. 40e, in: Regesta Imperii Online (accessed February 11, 2013)
  2. RI III, 5.1 n.113, in: Regesta Imperii Online, (accessed February 11, 2013)
  3. ^ RI III, 5.1 n.112, in: Regesta Imperii Online, (accessed February 11, 2013) .
  4. RI III, 5.1 n.179, in: Regesta Imperii Online, (accessed February 11, 2013)


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