Remko Schnorr

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Remko Schnorr (born December 14, 1974 in The Hague ) is a Dutch cameraman who has not only made several feature films, but also primarily documentaries.

After graduating from the Nederlandse Film en Televisie Academie , Schnorr worked as a cameraman for short films, commercials and music videos. In 2004 he shot his first feature film, the children's film Ein Platz für Pluk (Pluk van de Petteflet), directed by Ben Sombogaart .

In 2006 the Dutch producer Kees Kasander placed him as a cameraman for Sophie Fiennes for her Slavoj Zizek film The Pervert's Guide to Cinema . In 2006 he filmed the short film Missen for Jochem de Vries , which was honored as best short film at the Interfilm Festival in 2009 and was nominated for the Palme d'Or in Cannes in the same year . In 2010 he worked again with Sophie Fiennes in the documentary about Anselm Kiefer Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow . Two years later, Fiennes made another film with Zizek, The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, with Schnorr on camera. His fourth film directed by Fiennes is Grace Jones, Bloodlight and Bami (2017).

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Individual evidence

  1. IMDb