Remmer Akkermann

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Remmer Akkermann (* 1943 ) is a German biologist and university professor .


Akkermann graduated from high school in Oldenburg (Oldb) in 1963. He then studied zoology , botany , chemistry and geography at the Universities of Saarbrücken, Kiel and Braunschweig. He completed his diploma (Dipl.-Biol.) In 1969 at the Zoological Institute of the University of Göttingen with a thesis on the postembryogenesis of retractor muscles of the Roman snail ( Helix pomatia ) . In 1975 he received his doctorate degree from the zoologists Günther and Jochen Niethammer at the University of Bonn with a dissertation on the ecology and population dynamics of the muskrat ( Ondatra zibethicus L ) on a north-west German silting lake. rer. nat. PhD. His habilitation thesis from 1997 dealt with the situation of nature conservation and nature conservation research in northwest Germany.

Between 1967 and 1974 he was employed as a teacher for biology and geography at grammar schools in Göttingen and Diepholz. In 1974 he changed to the position of an Academic Councilor at the University of Osnabrück, Vechta Department (University of Vechta). He taught here until 2008. He held teaching positions at the Osnabrück-Haste University of Applied Sciences in the field of nature and environmental protection. In 1997 he founded the Institute for Nature Conservation and Environmental Education (INU) and was its director until 1999.

He is the founder of the Lower Saxony Nature Conservation Association , the NaturschutzForum Deutschland (NaFor) and chairman of the Biological Protection Association Hunte Weser-Ems (BSH) as well as the initiator of BIOSYS, the promotion association of landscape ecology at the University of Oldenburg, and is on the boards of several foundations.


  • 1962: Hörlein Prize from the Association of German Biologists (VBIO)
  • 1994: Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon
  • 2008: Honorary member of the Lower Saxony nature conservation association


  • On the biology of the wood pigeon (Columbo palumbus L.) Oldenburger Jahrbuch 64/2, 43–81, 1962.
  • Investigations into the ecology and population dynamics of the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus L) in a north-west German silting lake. In: Journal of Applied Zoology, 62, I-III. Dissertation (1975).
  • Proposals for the remediation of the dumber from an ecological point of view. Reports of the Natural History Society Hanover, 121, 51–141, 1978.
  • with Joachim Kuropka & Willigis Eckermann (eds.): Oldenburger Profile. Wilhelm Meyer - a life dedicated to floristic research in Oldenburg. Runge, Cloppenburg 1989, ISBN 3-926720-03-4 .
  • The Hunte - portrait of a north-west German river. Isensee, Oldenburg / BSH, 1994, ISBN 3-89442-178-9 (part 1) / ISBN 3-923788-28-2 (part 2 - 1995).
  • with Jürgen Drieling (Ed.): Handbook of nature conservation and environmental education between the Weser and Ems. Oldenburg 1996.
  • On the situation of nature conservation and nature conservation research in northwest Germany. Habilitation thesis (1997; unpublished)
  • with Hubert Fenske (as editor): Ahlhorner Fischteiche. Isensee, Oldenburg 1999, ISBN 3-89598-650-X .
  • with Albert Lippert (Ed.): In: Der Naturschutzhelfer. Protection for species, habitats and landscapes. DNR, 2000, ISBN 3-923458-72-X .
  • with Werner von der Ohe (ed.): Honey bees, Apis mellifera. Runge, Cloppenburg 2004, ISBN 3-926720-29-8 .
  • with Heike Knüppel: Regional bibliography for the Hunte. River between Wiehengebirge and Weser in the districts of Osnabrück, Diepholz, Vechta, Oldenburg, Wesermarsch and in the city of Oldenburg, Oldb. (State of Lower Saxony). BSH-Verlag, Wardenburg 2004, ISBN 978-3-923788-35-4 .
  • Yellow Mockers, Hippolais icterina. Singing - habitat requirements - general biology. 2006; (fact sheets / Ökoporträt 41)
  • with Willi Rolfes and Wolf-Dietmar Stock: Die Hunte. A river trip from the source to the mouth. Verlag Atelier im Bauernhaus, Fischerhude 2009, ISBN 978-3-88132-310-9 ;
  • with Gerd Fischer and Werner Michaelsen (eds.): The Zwischenahner Meer and its surrounding area. Isensee, Oldenburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-89995-769-3 .
  • Diepholzer Moor (City of Diepholz) between primevalness, use and refuge (PDF; 783 kB); (Merkblätter / Biotope 25 - Ed. of 160 Merkblatt), 2010
  • with 70 other authors: The Jade - River Landscape on the Jade Bay. Regional and natural history contributions to a river between moor, marsh and sea. (with CD; long version), Isensee, Oldenburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-7308-1075-0 ;

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Remmer Akkermann, adjunct professor for biology and its didactics on the website of the University of Vechta, accessed on June 9, 2020