René Pellos

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René Pellos , known as Pellos (born January 22, 1900 in Lyon , † April 8, 1998 in Mougins ) was a French cartoonist.

He was born as René Pellarin. From 1930 he worked as a sports illustrator for various local sports newspapers, and began drawing comic series in 1935.

He gained fame primarily through the futuristic series Futuropolis , which appeared in the magazine Junior from 1937 to 1938 and was based on Fritz Lang's Metropolis . The series was continued in 1940 with Electropolis . From 1948 he took over the Les Pieds Nickelés series from Louis Forton . By 1981 he had created 97 volumes with the scriptwriter Pierre Colin, known as Montaubert. He modernized the traditional representation by shortening extremities if necessary and using stylistic devices such as zoom and panorama views, but kept the text blocks positioned below the drawings until 1952. Pellos published in many French youth magazines, including in 1967 in Pilote .

He received the Grand Prix de la Ville d'Angoulême in 1976 .


  • 1931 Riri, Gogo et Lolo
  • 1936–1938 Monsieur Petiton
  • 1937-1938 Futuropolis
  • 1938–1939 Jean-Jacques Ardent athlete
  • 1939–1940 Jean-Jacques Ardent à la Guerre
  • 1940 Electropolis
  • 1946 Durga Rani, Reine des Jungles
  • 1948 Atomas
  • 1948–1979 Les Pieds Nickelés
  • 1980 Novopolis

Individual evidence

  1. Thierry Groensteen (Ed.): Asterix, Barbarella & Co. History of the comic in the French-speaking area. Somogy Editions D'Art, Paris 2000.


  • Andreas C. Knigge: Comic lexicon . Ullstein, Frankfurt / Main 1988, ISBN 354836554X .