Representative en mission

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A Représentant en mission, École française, oil on canvas, 1793, (Musée de la Révolution française). The painting by Jacques Louis David has long been known as a portrait of Jean-Baptiste Milhaud . It's no longer safe now.

A Representative en mission , or Commissaire politique ( Representative or Political Commissioner ) was an envoy extraordinary to the Legislative Assembly (Assemblée législative) during the French Revolution

These were usually delegates appointed by the convention to oversee the maintenance of order and the application of the law in the départements and the French Revolutionary Army . If such inspectors already existed under the ancien régime , the representatives were also systematically appointed during the reign of terror and given full powers.

Known relatives during the French Revolution


A large number of the “Representatives en mission” fell victim to the guillotine for political reasons .


  1. Michel Biard, Philippe Bourdin & Silvia Marzagalli “La France des Lumières” (1715–1789) Editeur Belin Histoire de France Paris 2009 ISBN 978-2-7011-3366-9 = 125 .
  2. ^ R. Dupuy, Nouvelle histoire de la France contemporaine. La République jacobine , 2005, p. 156


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