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Archeria, a reptiliomorph from Lower Permian Texas

Archeria , a reptiliomorph from Lower Permian Texas

Temporal occurrence
Carbon to this day
339.4 to 0 million years
Neumünder (Deuterostomia)
Chordates (chordata)
Vertebrates (vertebrata)
Jaw mouths (Gnathostomata)
Land vertebrates (Tetrapoda)
Scientific name
Säve-Söderbergh , 1934

As a group of land vertebrates that close reptiliomorpha the Amniota and their home group , called reptiliomorphen amphibians , one. Reptiliomorphic amphibians have been recorded from the Carboniferous to the Triassic .

According to the cladistic definition, the Reptiliomorpha include all terrestrial vertebrate groups that are more closely related to mammals than to today's amphibians . Since analyzes of the tribal history of early terrestrial vertebrates produce contradicting results, the Reptiliomorpha are assigned different fossil groups in addition to the Diadectomorpha , which are considered to be the closest relatives of the amniotic animals. According to Ruta and others (2003), the lepospondyli also meet the above definition, but are sometimes not included in the Reptiliomorpha.

Reptiliomorphic amphibians reach their greatest diversity only after the appearance of the first real reptiles only a little later and survive with the group of Chroniosuchier into the Middle Triassic. They include both aquatic and terrestrial forms, which are particularly evidenced by numerous finds of fossil tracks of the Seymouriamorpha and Diadectomorpha from the Permian . The Bromacker site in the Thuringian Forest is a fossil deposit for skeletons and tracks of reptiliomorphic amphibians and primitive amniotes .


In contrast to primeval vertebrates and the presumed fossil relatives of the amphibians living today ( Batrachomorpha ), the vertebrae of the reptiliomorphs are characterized by the fact that the pleurocenter is the same size or larger than the intercentrum . With derived Reptiliomorpha only the pleurocenter is in contact with the neural arch or is fused with it. Benton (2005) names the following common derived characteristics of the Reptiliomorpha: intermaxillary bones , which occupy less than half the width of the skull; forward tapering ploughshare legs and the toe joint formula 2/3/4/5 / 4-5.

Individual evidence

  1. Marcello Ruta, Michael I. Coates, Donald L. Quicke: Early tetrapod relationships revisited. In: Biological Reviews. 78, No. 2, 2003, pp. 251-345, doi : 10.1017 / S1464793102006103 .
  2. ^ A b Michael J. Benton: Vertebrate Paleontology. 3. Edition. Blackwell, Malden 2005, ISBN 0-632-05637-1 .
  3. ^ Igor V. Novikov, Michail A. Shishkin, Valeri K. Golubev: Permian and Triassic anthracosaurs from Eastern Europe. In: Michael J. Benton u. a. (Ed.): The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000, ISBN 0-521-55476-4 , pp. 60-70.
  4. Florian Witzmann, Rainer R. Schoch, Michael W. Maisch: A relic basal tetrapod from the Middle Triassic of Germany. In: Natural Sciences. 95, No. 1, 2008, pp. 67-72, doi : 10.1007 / s00114-007-0291-6 .
  5. ^ Sebastian Voigt, David S. Berman, Amy C. Henrici: First well-established track-trackmaker association of Paleozoic tetrapods based on Ichniotherium trackways and diadectid skeletons from the Lower Permian of Germany. In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 27, No. 3, 2007, pp. 553-570, doi : 10.1671 / 0272-4634 (2007) 27 [553: FWTAOP] 2.0.CO; 2 .
  6. Kenneth V. Kardong: Vertebrates. Comparative anatomy, function, evolution . 3. Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston 2002, ISBN 0-07-290956-0 .
  7. ^ Robert L. Carroll, Oskar Kuhn, Leonid P. Tatarinov: Batrachosauria (Anthracosauria) Gephyrostegida - Chroniosuchida. In: Peter Wellnhofer (Ed.): Batrachosauria (Anthracosauria). Fischer, Stuttgart 1972 ( Handbuch der Paläoherpetologie. Volume 5b).

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