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The Retirada (also Retirata, Ritirada or Ritirata) is the name of the movement in baroque music that concludes a sequence of related (dance) pieces of music ( suite ) , i.e. the counterpart to the opening Intrada , so that both frame the other movements. The name comes from the Spanish retirada or from the Italian ritirata , which both means “retreat, march off”. Intrada and Retirada come from the medieval fanfares that announced the entry of the fighters and the ride of the winner at tournaments.

With Michael Praetorius (1571–1621) in Syntagma musicum Volume III (1619) p. 19 the Retirada Retrajecte is called :

But ball his peculiar dances into mummereyen and vffzügen, which are played to mascarada. They are directed by their peculiar inventions, and each ballet generally has three parts: i.) The I ntrada, when the characters appear at the entrance to the Mummerey. 2.) The figures, which are the vermascarirten persons in tretten also umbwechßlung the o e rther, and sonsten Uff letters in a ring, form Crantze, Triangle, Vierecket, Sechsecket, or other things, and wind through each other, then Upon this the whole invention and essentia of ballet exists and is directed. 3.) The retrajects, that is the withdrawal or withdrawal, so that the invention and whole ballet is ended and resolved, and they are no longer needed afterwards, but listen at the same time as the mascarada. "

Retirades occur among others with the following composers (mainly belonging to Vienna): Biagio Marini (1594–1663), Wolfgang Ebner (1612–1665), Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (around 1623–1680), Philipp Jakob Rittler (1637–1690), Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644–1704), Alessandro Poglietti († 1683), Jan Ignác František Vojta (before 1660 - before 1725), Wenzel Ludwig von Radolt (1667–1716), Luigi Boccherini (1743–1805).

See also intrada .


  • Paul Nettl: The Viennese dance composition in the second half of the seventeenth century. In: Studies on musicology , published by the Society for the Publication of Monuments of Music in Austria Volume 8 (1921) pages 64 f. ( JSTOR 41460332 ).
  • Don Michael Randel (Ed.): Harvard Dictionary of Music. 4th ed. Cambridge, Mass. / USA and London / GB 2003 Keyword Retirada
  • Tim Crawford:  Retirada. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).

Individual evidence

  1. Online: - Page 35 of the pdf document