Arnold Benz

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Arnold Benz (2013)

Arnold Otto Benz (born April 21, 1945 in Winterthur ) is a Swiss astrophysicist .


Benz graduated from ETH Zurich in 1969 as a theoretical physicist . He then moved to Cornell University in Ithaca as a research assistant , where he submitted his doctoral thesis in astrophysics to Thomas Gold in 1973 . He then returned to ETH and concentrated on plasma-physical processes in the corona . In 1979 he completed his habilitation at the ETH and became a private lecturer . From 1974 to 2010 he headed a group for radio astronomy, and in 1993 he was appointed professor for physics with a focus on astrophysics at the ETH .


Benz became known for his observations and interpretations of solar radio radiation and particle acceleration in solar flares ( UHF ). The Güdel-Benz relationship between radio and X-ray radiation of these emissions was named after him. Benz later researched the formation of stars with the help of the Herschel space telescope . Benz chaired numerous specialist committees, including the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy from 1999 to 2002 and Division II (sun and heliosphere) of the International Astronomical Union from 2000 to 2003 .

Benz became known to a wider public through his numerous appearances in comprehensible lectures and from 1979 on Swiss television and radio.

In 2011, after his retirement from the Theological Faculty of the University of Zurich, he was awarded an honorary doctorate in recognition of his great services to the interdisciplinary dialogue between the natural sciences and theology. The University of the South (Sewanee, TN, USA) made him an honorary doctorate in 2017 for "his distinguished contributions to astronomical inquiry and for his illuminating, interdisciplinary reflections".

Fonts (selection)

  • Plasma Astrophysics. Kinetic Processes in Solar and Stellar Coronae . 2nd edition, Kluwer, Dordrecht 2002, ISBN 1-4020-0695-0 .
  • Einstein and the question about God: the heart of the universe . Herder, Freiburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-451-00354-7 .
  • The gifted universe: astrophysics and creation. 3rd edition, Simowa, Bern 2018, ISBN 978-3-908152-51-4 .
  • The Future of the Universe: Coincidence, Chaos, God? 8th updated edition, Patmos, Ostfildern 2013, ISBN 978-3-8436-0289-1 .
  • Does God roll the dice? What physics and theology have to say to each other (with Samuel Vollenweider). Topos Plus, Kevelaer 2015, ISBN 978-3-8367-0009-2 .
  • The universe - knowledge and amazement / astrophysical knowledge and religious experiences (with Ruth Wiesenberg). Berchtold Haller Verlag, Bern 2019, ISBN 978-3-85570-155-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arnold O. Benz: The Acceleration of Solar Wind Protons and Heavy Ions. bibcode : 1973PhDT ......... 8B
  2. ^ Arnold O. Benz: Millisecond radio spikes. bibcode : 1986SoPh..104 ... 99B
  3. M. Guedel and AO Benz, A catalog of decimetric solar flare radio emission, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement, 75, 243-259 (1988), = 1988A% 26AS ... 75..243G & link_type = ARTICLE & db_key = AST & high =
  4. H. Isliker and AO Benz, Catalog of 1-3 GHz solar flare radio emission, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement, 104, 145-160 (1994), ? bibcode = 1994A% 26AS..104..145I & link_type = ARTICLE & db_key = AST & high =
  5. Jan Forbrich: The Radio-X-ray Relation in Cool Stars: Are We Headed Toward a Divorce? 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ASP 448 (2012), p. 455.
  6. Honorary doctorate 2011 of the theological faculty
  7. ^ Citation. May 13, 2017.