Save yourself who can! (1961)

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German title Save yourself who can!
Original title Полосатый рейс
Country of production Soviet Union
original language Russian
Publishing year 1961
length 83 minutes
Director Vladimir Fetin
script Alexei Kapler ,
Wiktor Konezki
music Weniamin Basner
camera Dmitri Meshiev

Save yourself who can! ( Russian Полосатый рейс , Polossaty reis ) is a Soviet comedy film directed by Vladimir Fetin from 1961. The comedy was produced by the Leningrad film studio Lenfilm .


Schuleikin wants to take the opportunity to escape from a hot tropical city as a cargo attendant. Although he is shocked that the cargo consists of twelve cages with tigers, he agrees, as a “tiger tamer”, to take responsibility for it and to feed them regularly.

The first officer is in a constant dispute with Marianna, the captain's niece. Secret acts of sabotage, which he alleges, are the work of a chimpanzee who is a stowaway on the ship. When the crew tries to catch the monkey, the first officer hides the animal in his cabin. Marianna enjoys making tiger paws on the deck of the ship at night and playing with the sailors' fear of tigers.

It quickly becomes apparent that schoolchildren's skills in dealing with animals are rather limited. The chimpanzee opens the tiger cages unobserved and the free-roaming tigers cause panic among the ship's crew. The alleged tiger tamer, Schuleikin, resists in vain to be chased onto the deck with the tigers, but he can finally save himself in a tiger cage. Marianna develops unexpected skills as a tiger tamer. She makes sure that they go back to their cages. The team brings back the last sleeping lion.


Konstantin Konstantinowski trained the tigers .

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