Reza Asari

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Reza Asari (born December 17, 1970 in Tehran , Iran ) is an Austrian surgeon and associate professor at the Medical University of Vienna .


Rezari Azari attended elementary and middle school from 1977 to 1985 and then until 1990 the natural science federal upper level secondary school and graduated from it with the Matura . He then studied medicine and received his doctorate from the University of Vienna in 1999. During his studies he gained experience abroad at Sajad Hospital (Iran) and Eastbourne Hospital NHS Trust (England).

Rezari published almost 60 research papers in well-known scientific journals such as The Lancet and worked with experts such as Matthias Preusser and Ferdinand Mühlbacher . His h-index is 22. His focus areas include surgical oncology , visceral surgery and endocrinology . Azari is regarded as a networker, especially in his position as board member of the Austrian Society for Surgical Oncology, where he appeared as conference president on scientific advances in the field.

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Individual evidence

  1. Paireder M, Jomrich G, Asari R, Kristo I, Gleiss A, Preusser M, Schoppmann SF. External validation of the NUn score for predicting anastomotic leakage after oesophageal resection. Scientific Reports 2017 Aug 29; 7 (1): 9725.
  2. Wekerle T, Asari R, Bodingbauer M, Mühlbacher F .: Waking the dead. Lancet. 2001 Dec 1; 358 (9296): 1907.
  3. Profile at the Austrian Society for Surgical Oncology (accessed on July 2, 2020)
  4. ^ Reza Asari, Christian Passler, Klaus Kaczirek, et al .: Hypoparathyroidism After Total Thyroidectomy. A prospective study. Arch Surg. 2008; 143 (2): 132-137. doi: 10.1001 / archsurg.2007.55