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The Rezal ( Latin resale , resallum ; old French rasal , rezeau ; from the Latin rasus , 'smoothed out'), Rézal, also Rezil , was a French grain measure .

It was the sack, sac with a different name. The measure was common in Alsace , Lorraine and neighboring regions. The weight depended on the place and the goods, but was equivalent to about 6 bushels . In Strasbourg , the quarter or Malter was called Rezal.


  • Breisach 1 Rezal = 164 pounds ( wheat ) = 158 pounds ( rye )
  • Kollmar 1 Rezal = 160 pounds (wheat) = 154 pounds (rye)
  • Schlettstadt 1 Rezal = 168 pounds (wheat) = 164 pounds (rye)
  • Strasbourg 1 Rezal = 160 pounds (wheat) = 160 pounds (rye) = 104 pounds ( oats )
  • Hagenau 1 Rezal = 165 pounds (wheat) = 155 pounds (rye) = 112 pounds (oats)
  • Nancy 1 Rezal = 174 pounds (wheat) = 172 pounds (rye)
  • Pfalzburg and Lichtenberg 1 Rezal = 184 pounds (wheat) = 182 pounds (rye)

(Source below)

Individual evidence

  1. Johann Christian August Heyse , Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse : General Germanic and explanatory foreign dictionary. Hahn'sche Hofbuchhandlung, Hanover 1853, p. 777
  2. ^ Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight relationships. Volume 2, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1177.
  3. ^ Johann Georg Krünitz Friedrich Jakob Floerken, Heinrich Gustav Flörke, Johann Wilhelm David Korth, Carl Otto Hoffmann, Ludwig Kossarski: Economic Encyclopedia. Volume 45, Joachim Pauli, Berlin 1810, p. 697.
  4. ^ Carl Günther Ludovici , Johann Christian Schedel: Newly opened Academy of Merchants, or encyclopaedic merchant lexicon. Breitkopf and Härtel, Leipzig 1798, p. 794.