Johann Christian August Heyse

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Johann Christian August Heyse (born April 21, 1764 in Nordhausen ; † June 27, 1829 in Magdeburg ) was a German teacher , grammarian and lexicographer .


Johann Christian August Heyse studied theology and education in Göttingen from 1783 to 1786 and then became a teacher at the grammar school in Oldenburg from 1792 . In 1807 he moved to Nordhausen as rector of the grammar school and director of a girls' school that was being established. In 1819 he finally became director of the secondary school for girls in Magdeburg and stayed there until the end of his life. He lived at Fürstenwallstraße 6 .

His most important publications were his theoretical-practical German grammar (and its various short versions) and his foreign dictionary, which was also published in many editions.


His sons Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse , Theodor Friedrich Heyse and Gustav Ferdinand Heyse were also renowned scientists in their day.

Publications (selection)


Title page of the 14th edition of the Foreign Dictionary , 1870
  • General dictionary for the clarification of the foreign words and idioms used in our language. Oldenburg 1804, two parts.
    • The same appeared from the 4th edition (1825) as a general foreign dictionary or manual for understanding and avoiding the foreign expressions more or less common in our language, with names of the pronunciation, the emphasis and the most necessary explanation. Later as a general, clarifying and explanatory foreign dictionary with a description of the pronunciation and accentuation of the words together with a precise indication of their origin and education. 12th edition by Carl August Friedrich Mahn , Hanover 1859; 14th edition by Gustav Heyse and Wilhelm Heinrich von Wittich , Hanover 1870; next to it in a different arrangement by Carl Böttger , Leipzig 1874.
    • Short version of it: Small foreign dictionary. Oldenburg 1840.
    • Continuation by the new editor Otto Lyon under the title: Foreign dictionary with designation and emphasis on the words together with precise details of their origin and education. Taking into account the official decrees on the Germanization of foreign words and the new standardized spelling, revised, corrected many times and increased by Otto Lyon . 18th original edition, Hahn'sche Buchhandlung, Hanover / Leipzig 1903.
    • So far last edition: General German and explanatory foreign dictionary. With the name of the pronunciation and the emphasis on the words together with a precise indication of their origin and education . Reprint of the (Fraktur) edition, published in Hanover in 1922; Olms, Hildesheim 1978, ISBN 3-487-06570-3 .
  • The concise dictionary of the German language appeared posthumously: with regard to spelling, ancestry and education, bending and joining of words, as well as their affinity. Magdeburg 1833–1849, three volumes, completed by Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse .


  • Theoretical-practical German grammar or textbook for pure and correct speaking, reading and writing of the German language. Machined for school and home use . Hanover 1814, 5th edition revised by Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Heyse , 1838–1849, 2 volumes.
    • Short version of it: Small theoretical-practical German grammar . Hanover 1816, later as German School Grammar , 21st edition. 1868.
  • Brief guide to thorough teaching in the German language . Hanover 1821, 25th edition 1885.

Educational writings

  • Continued message about the schools for the female youth in Nordhausen. A letter of invitation to the school examination on October 3rd and the following days. First a few remarks about the upbringing and teaching of the daughters . Weichelt, Nordhausen 1811.
  • Views of teaching and education of young people in public schools. Friese, Pirna 1829.
  • Guide to thorough teaching in the German language for higher and lower schools, based on the larger German language textbooks . Fourth, improved edition. Hahn, Hanover 1826.


See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. EF Liweh, address book of the city of Magdeburg , Magdeburg 1823, page 40