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Map showing the course of the Rhyndakos and other ancient rivers in Mysia

The Rhyndakos ( Greek  Ῥύνδακος , Latin : Rhyndacus ) is an important river in Asia Minor, which today has various names in its course, including Mustafakemalpaşa Çayı , Adırnaz Çayı , Orhaneli Çayı . It rises on the northern slope of the Dindymos Mountains (today Murat Dağı ) in Phrygia . It flows in a north-westerly direction through Mysia , past Mysian Olympus ( Uludağ ) to the south , then turned north through Lake Artynia ( Uluabat Gölü ), takes in Makestos (today Simav Çayı ) at Miletopolis (today Karacabey ) and flows into the Sea of ​​Marmara .

On Rhyndacus defeated 73 BC BC Lucullus the Mithridates . In 1211 there was another battle there between the armies of the Latin Emperor Heinrich and the Emperor of Nikaia , Theodor I , in which Heinrich achieved victory.

In ancient times, the Byzantine Constantine Bridge crossed the river and the Penkalas Bridge (2nd century AD) crossed the tributary of the same name in Aizanoi .


Individual evidence

  1. http://nisanyanmap.com/?yer=35523