Richard C. Raack

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Richard Charles Raack (born July 10, 1928 in Los Angeles County , California ) is an American historian .

He earned his Bachelor of Arts in 1950 and his Masters in 1953 from the University of California in Los Angeles . He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1957. with the work The Course of Political Idealism in Prussia, 1806-13 .

In 1965 he became Professor of Modern European History at California State University, East Bay . Since his retirement in 1990 he has continued his research in the major archives in Western and Eastern Europe, including Berlin and Moscow, and at Stanford University of the Hoover Institution. His research has convinced him that many scientists underestimate the close alliance between Hitler and Stalin as the triggering cause of the Second World War.


  • The fall of stone ; 1965
  • Historiography as cinematography ; 1983
  • Stalin fixes the Oder-Neisse Line ; 1990
  • Stalin's drive to the West, 1938-1945 :: the origins of the Cold War ; 1995
  • Polska i Europa w planach Stalina
  • The United States of America and the uprising in the GDR of June 17, 1953
  • Geneza ataku na ZSRR w? Wietle niemieckich dokumentów wojskowych
  • Isto? Nik iz vys? I krugov Kominterna o planach Stalina, svjazannych so vtoroj mirovoj vojnoj
  • Storm of Fire: World War II and the Destruction of Dresden. ; 1978 (film)
  • Stalin Plans his Post-War Germany , in: Journal of Contemporary History 28 (1993)
  • Stalin Fixes the Oder-Neisse Line , in: Journal of Contemporary History. Vol. 25 (1990)
  • Stalin's Plans for World War II , in: JCH 26 (1991), pp. 215-227

Web links


  1. Directory of Emeritus Faculty Emeriti (PDF file; 275 kB)
  2. ^ Hitler, Stalin, World War are topics of spring lecture by Richard Raack