Richard Crassot

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Richard Crassot (* around 1530 in Lyon ; † after 1581 ) was a French conductor and composer . Crassot worked as a composer in the mid- 16th century .

life and work

Crassot was a Huguenot . He wrote a four-part arrangement of the Geneva Psalter . In this he preferred the cantional sentence .

Crassot was Kapellmeister in Troyes between 1556 and 1560 . In March 1560 he gave up his position there, heavily in debt. In 1564 he settled in Lyon. His four-part setting of the Geneva Psalter, translated by Clément Marot and Théodore de Bèze , was published here by Thomas de Straton . A second edition was published in 1565 by Jean Hugetan .

Crassot's death dates are unknown. In 1566 he was still living in Lyon. 1581 his name appears for the last time in documents in Tours . He was probably active in many French cities (possibly also in Geneva). His whereabouts have not yet been precisely proven. In 1972, Carl Dahlhaus gave in the Riemann Musiklexikon a date of death between August 28 and 31, 1572 in Lyon, probably dated much too early. The National Library of France now assumes that Richard Crassot's death date was after 1581.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wilibald Gurlitt: Richard Crassot. In: Riemann Musiklexikon.
  2. ^ A b Carl Dahlhaus: Richard Crassot. In: Riemann Musiklexikon.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k P. André Galliard, Frank Dobbins: Richard Crassot. In: MGG Online.