Richard Friederich Arens

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Richard Friederich Arens (born April 24, 1919 in Iserlohn ; † May 3, 2000 in Los Angeles ) was a German -born American mathematician .

Richard Arens


Arens came to the United States in 1925. He studied from 1937, first at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), from 1940 at Harvard University , Massachusetts . There he did his doctorate with Garrett Birkhoff with the dissertation "Topologies for Spaces of Transformations" and then went to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in New Jersey . From 1947 Arens worked on the math faculty at UCLA, where he stayed until his retirement in 1989.

His areas of work were functional analysis , Banach algebras , function theory of several variables, geometric quantization and differential geometric aspects of classical field theories .

From 1965 Arens was co-editor of the Pacific Journal of Mathematics , from 1973 to 1979 managing editor.

The terms Arens product , Mackey-Arens theorem , Arens-Michael decomposition , Arens-Eells embedding theorem , and Arens-fort space are associated with his name.

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