Richard Geller

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Richard Geller (born April 25, 1927 in Vienna , † July 1, 2007 in Grenoble ) was a French experimental nuclear physicist and plasma physicist.

Geller studied at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris and received his doctorate in physics from Francis Perrin at the Sorbonne in 1954 . At the invitation of Frédéric Joliot-Curie , he was with the CEA from 1948 , where he stayed for the rest of his career. In the 1960s he developed electron cyclotron resonance heaters for plasma physics as part of controlled fusion. In the 1970s and 1980s he developed with his group in Grenoble electron cyclotron resonance ion sources ( English Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion source , ECRIS) and sat down for their use in accelerators one (for particle physics, nuclear physics, medical applications). In 1992 he retired from the CEA and went to the Institut des Sciences Nucleaires in Grenoble, where he developed a new ECR method that was used on radioactive ion beams in nuclear physics.

From 1961 to 1962 he conducted research at Stanford University , where he developed the first Bumpy Torus Plasma .

In 1983 he received the Prix ​​opponent of the Academie des Sciences and in 1987 the Prix ​​du CEA . In 2001 he received the Tom W. Bonner Prize for Nuclear Physics with Claude Lyneis .

A prize from the company Pantechnik (manufacturer of ECR ​​sources) is named after him.


  • Electron cyclotron resonance Ion Sources and ECR Plasmas , Institute of Physics Publ., Bristol / Philadelphia 1996

Web links

  • Pascal Sortais: Richard Geller 1927-2007 . In: CERN Courier . tape 48 , no. 4 , May 2008, p. 26 (English, [PDF]).
  • Homepage Richard Geller. (English France).

Individual evidence

  1. Bonn Prize. APS, 2001 (English).;
  2. ^ Richard Geller Prize. Pantechnik, 2016 (English).;